So , 2 days ago I broke up with my now ex girlfriend of 1 and a half year , after trying to fix things a lot of times I realized that the relationship is toxic and the best thing for me would be to break up .

So 2 days ago she came to my home , we had a talk , seeing her cry broke my heart , as I still love her , and I really wanted to continua trying but I felt like the right decision was to break up

Note that we already shared a home during university and that only made things harder , a lot harder

The last 3 days have been terrible for me , I thought doing this would be less harder , but I don’t know if should text her , or even if I just miss the relationship I had and not exactly the person . Thinking about our happy moments make me wanna go back and they make me forget the reasons why I broke up

I don’t know if I’m supposed to feel this way , or even what I’m supposed to feel , I’m really lost at this point and feeling like my life is going down

TLDR : I broke up with my girlfriend 2 days ago , at that time I was sure of my decision , but now I’m not and I don’t know what to do .

  1. Really normal feeling after ending even terrible relationships. There’s always good parts that you start focusing on after it ends. It’s usually the right decision to end it though, if you got to that point. Some people find it helps to write down all the toxic problems and reasons you need to end it so you don’t call them in a moment of weakness

  2. Check this out, think of it like addiction.
    I know I need to stop drinking, it’s bad 4 me, but I miss it so much & my friends are doing it.

    Doesn’t make much sense, huh? Give yourself 2 months for 1 year of dating to see how you feel. Tell her you need time to process & don’t speak for 2 months. You will be fine. Do a tally, 60 days.
    In the meantime, send yourself emails of how you are feeling.. you can track it & see your progress.

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