When I met his parents and grandparents he simply didn’t acknowledge I was a new person and just sat down. I had the awkward task of introducing myself. The same thing happened when I met his other sibling yesterday. I feel so awkward and alone. I don’t want to hang out with him when I know his family is around because of the lack of effort he’s shown to me when it happens. How do I tell him this?

Tl/dr my boyfriend doesn’t introduce me to his family or anything. I feel awkward being around his family now

  1. Any guy that is not proud of you is not a guy that’s going to stick around. Rather, you should not stick around. Beware of that as you proceed in this relationship, it’s just a warning to you. 🚩

  2. Maybe he literally doesn’t understand and was never taught he was supposed to? Different families somehow end up with weird quirks and sometimes it takes an outsider to point them out. For example, maybe growing up he would constantly have friends over for sleepovers and his parents were just like “oh another guest in the house” and it was such an ordinary comfortable experience that introductions were never expected.

    I feel like if he is inviting you over, he’s demonstrating he’s interested and you are important to him. This makes me think the issue is him making a manners faux pas and not him slighting you. Unless he totally ignored you entirely the entire time and not just for introductions, in which case then yeah he’s a jerk.

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