How many women/girls do you talk to at once?

  1. I don’t play the field like that. I’ve had a couple multiples, but I prefer to talk and get to know one person at a time.

  2. If its casual, then it can be 1 or a few. If i really feel a connection, its special and a possible future; then she gets all of my attention.

  3. I’m currently casually dating 6 or 7, but I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to settle down and seriously date 2-3.

  4. It’s not like I have a dance card with 7 slots on it and as soon as one woman leaves my life, another woman comes in and takes her place.

    Very, very few men are constantly at their maximum capacity constantly. Few men get to find out what their capacity is, because they never have more than one or maybe two women on their radar at the same time.

  5. 1 I dont have the emotional capacity to date or talk to more than one. Talking to one is draining enough sometimes gotta recharge the social battery

  6. How many are in the room?

    Do you mean ‘do you cheat on the girl you’re going out with’? No, I don’t.

  7. When single its everyone lol 😆 never know who you will meet and you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

  8. as many as possible until i decide i want to be in a committed relationship which i don’t so…

  9. It’s not like I have a super-detailed spreadsheet, but I don’t believe in placing my eggs in one basket, not in this day and age.

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