Bonus question: Has it ever happened to you?

  1. My partner. We spend a lot of time together. We cook, we go out, we do a lot together.

    If I had to choose between one of them and I chose my best friend, we would just sit on discord day in and day out. He never wants to go out, never to the pub. Nothing.

  2. My best friend, he’s been there though thick and thin.

    Relationship can be toxic, but your best friend is
    Your best friend for a reason.

  3. If either were true friends, you’d never be forced to make that decision. Mine are the same person tho.

  4. This happened with me in high school. My girlfriend at the time asked me to choose between her and my best friend. I valued both of them and couldn’t make a choice. Ended up losing both after that for a good few years before maturing and reuniting later. The girlfriend is now like an acquaintance. The best friend is getting married later this month and I am so looking forward to it!

  5. Women come and go. My bro has had my back for 30 years, put himself in harm’s way to save my ass more than once.

    I may love her, but I sure as shit won’t do anything for her. I won’t burn my family, which he is.

  6. it depends entirely on the situation. Is one being stupid? Is it a life or death scenario? Are we just talking about who to have a drink with tonight?

  7. Depends. Which one of the two is a multi-millionaire, and is that multi-millionaire willing to buy and pay off a few houses and get my name in the house’s deed?

  8. My best friend and I are a package deal. You can’t date one without the other’s approval and you will *never* come between us. We will choose each other every. single. time. We’ve saved each others’ lives multiple times over. I’m not giving up that bond for anything.

  9. Without a second of thought best friend. I’ve known my two best friends for half my life now, and would never give that up for a woman. There are plenty of other women out there who won’t make me choose. Even if it’s like a life and death thing, not her making me choose, and I had to choose who to save to and who to die, unfortunately I’d pick my buddy every time.

  10. You mean in a life or death scenario? Couldn’t answer that. Either option would probably send me to the grave shortly after.

    But in matters of trust, I’d choose my best friend. He’s always been there, honest to me, and had my best interests in mind. An SO that I love, however, doesn’t necessarily even love me back, let alone in the same capacity.

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