ETA: oral birth control!

I have been taking oral birth control consistently for 4 years. In my first sexual relationship, I wouldn’t even let him put it in me without a condom. I am now having sex without condoms, but I still make him put one on when he’s about to finish. No man has ever finished in me without a condom because I am afraid of pregnancy.

Our sexual relationship has been kind of dead lately, and I know that we would both enjoy sex more if he could finish in me. So, how effective is my birth control really? Would I be okay to let my boyfriend finish in me? We are definitely not ready for kids and don’t plan on having them, but is the condom + birth control protection overkill?

  1. It might be a BIT overkill but honestly, I give ya props for staying safe! I was on birth control for the first part of my bf and I’s relationship (went off of it for various reasons, not pregnancy related) and I remember he’d finished in me a couple of times with no scares. I would still pay attention to your cycle though and make sure he’s not finishing any days before your ovulation. Maybe it’s just me being paranoid but that’s risking too much for me, even with birth control

  2. You mean oral birth control? If you’re taking it perfectly it’s >99% effective. So really low chance to fail, but it can fail. Additional contraceptives will decrease that risk. But theoretically it’s impossible to reduce the risk of pregnancy to 0%, you can get close. Use a diaphragm, birth control pill, iud, condom, spermicide, and still technically still hit the lottery and get pregnant. You need to decide if you’re willing to risk a <1% chance.

    I’ve been with multiple girls who were on the pill and never used a condom and always finished in them, and haven’t had a scare yet. But we also knew the risks and talked about what the gameplan is if shit happens.

    Reddit can’t make that decision for you, we have no skin in the game.

  3. > So, how effective is my birth control really? Would I be okay to let my boyfriend finish in me?

    Yes. That is the point of birth control.

    If taken consistently, it is among the safest methods now existing, more effective than condoms alone, for example.

  4. I was on a combination pill for 16 years. I never got pregnant on it! I would say only used condoms maybe half of the time.

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