How did your weekend go? Any good, bad or meh dates you want to tell us about?

  1. I’m out of state visiting family for 2.5 weeks for my birthday. I have a huge crush on this guy who I met organically through family friends, we went on 4 dates. It’s a slow burn and dates were better and better one after another. I can’t stop thinking about him. Neither of us is big texter and he has a very demanding job. I don’t mind it but I think I’ll shoot him a text this week.

    But serious question, I’ve mentioned it a few times to him that I’m visiting family for my birthday. Normally people (e.g. coworkers) would ask when is my bday when I mention it but this guy just never asked so I don’t think I’ll get a bday text from him cuz he doesn’t know. It almost felt like he intentionally didn’t ask for whatever reason. What could it be tho? (He is shy and introverted at first and slow to warm up, and doesn’t really wear his emotions on his sleeves)

  2. Trying to schedule two second dates for next weekend. I ask both if they want to pick a day, they both pick Saturday. I realize I screwed up by asking this way and should’ve scheduled one then the other but I’m equally interested in both. I then have to go back to the slower responder and ask if she wants to do Sunday instead and I know that’s already pretty annoying for her.

  3. Had a 4th date with a woman yesterday, got to third base at her place. She’s going to be out of town this weekend, so I likely won’t see her for a while as most of my weekdays are tougher to meet up given my work schedule.

    My OLD matches have picked up recently, meeting a few other woman through next weekend. As I’m not exclusive/official with anyone, will just have a good time and see where things go.

  4. Had a first date scheduled today. We talked this morning, then we were supposed to meet at noon. Messaged him after he was 15 minutes late, no response. Ended up ordering to go from the restaurant for myself and left.

    But I did find $11 in the parking lot, so overall net positive lol

  5. I have crazy chemistry with someone I’ve been seeing for a few weeks now and who I’ve been friends with for a while. He’s a super friendly person and a great kisser. I’m sort of cashing in my chips to focus on where it’s going. Going to deactivate my dating profiles later this week and have him over to my place. I really like him from what I know so far.

    To be completely honest I haven’t really had sex(like piv, non-complicated) sex in a year at least. My last two relationships involved very complicated unresolved trauma on their part and I felt like a surrogate sex therapist. Very weird for me.

    I’m really hoping we can be physically intimate. I haven’t really ever wanted to hook up with someone this much. I’m wanting a healthy physical connection. I will admit I’m a little nervous though. I have a feeling once we are somewhere private we won’t be able to keep ours hands off each other – at least that’s the vibe I’m getting.

    Wish me luck I guess!

  6. I’m currently taking a break actively trying to date (mostly I just deleted my OLD profiles) but I randomly met someone in the wild yesterday. Our dogs played together at the park and we got to chatting, and before he left he asked for my number. We’ve been texting a bit and are going to set up a date. Not setting expectations but am excited; it felt nice meeting someone in real life!

  7. One of the people I’m dating said they want to keep things casual — no problem, but they want me to communicate more than I’m comfortable with. I’m dating with the intent of finding a long term partner so it’s fine with me if someone wants to keep things casual until I find someone I click with.

    Considering they aren’t interested in long term, I feel I’m not the person they should be coming to in order to complain about their work problems and gossip about their friends. When I told them, “hey I thought we were keeping things casual, I’m down to talk about what’s going on with us but I feel this is over my pay grade” they said that I must not care about them. Like, I do, but you want the benefits of a relationship without the commitment? I’m too old for that.

    But it made me think, what do you consider the amount of emotional support you give someone who you’re seeing casually? Most of the people I see text once or twice a day and we meet up when we can, but I suppose everyone’s attachment style is difference.

  8. Oof, so I matched with this woman who had that [TikTok trend]( on her profile. I’ve seen it on a decent amount of profiles and matched with some of them but none of them seemed serious about it.

    She lives about an hour away and we agreed to going on a date on Thursday night. She asks where, I suggest a location in the middle. She says she’s fine with doing a dinner in my city. I typically don’t do dinner dates as a first date but whatever, I’m fine with it. I ask her what time works for her since she’s driving up an hour and I’ll be driving into rush hour, I need to plan my work schedule.

    She goes off on me about she shouldn’t have to drive far and how she shouldn’t be the one doing all the planning. She literally screenshots her profile of the TikTok quotes and sends it to me. I tell her my questions have to do with the logistics of her living far away and it being on a weekday night. She asks if maybe the weekend will be better and I tell her our communications styles are too incompatible.

    She then says I should be more of a gentleman and blocks/unmatches me.


  9. The guy I’ve been on 4 dates with surprised me and took me whale watching as a birthday present on Saturday. I’ve been wanting to go for like a decade and mentioned it while we were out kayaking on our second date and he remembered and has wanted to go too. He apparently texted my boss to ask if it was too much because he was scared of spooking me off. He’s a sweetheart and it’s going really well. The first emotionally available guy I’ve been talking to since last year.

  10. Spent it mostly indoors. I haven’t had any luck on old lately. I’m not finding people I’m interested in. The only man I talked to said he wanted to casually hang. So that was disappointing. What’s wrong with a date? Lol. Idk if I’m just over the apps.

  11. Coming up to almost 2 months seeing the same guy. But worried that our schedules would get the best of us. Normally, we both are really busy – his job requires him to travel all the time and my job does involve travel (not as much as his) but it is also a significant amount.

    But this month and next, it seems like an impossible hill to climb when it comes to our schedules.

    He’ll be back in town middle of this week (he’s been traveling for work since last week) but then he will be out of the country for work for until mid-October.

    Meanwhile, I’ll be traveling for work for two weeks beginning the last week of this month. Then, going out of the country for two weeks in mid-October for vacation. And then the day after I arrive, I fly to the east coast for one week for work again and won’t be back in town literally until end of October.

    A bit nervous on what this will do to the “getting to know you” stage of dating. I’m afraid almost two months of not seeing each other will make everything fizzle out. Worst part is, we’re both NOT big texters at all! We text daily to check in with each other and/or plan our next date.

    I know both of us can’t do anything about our schedules but still, definitely not the ideal situation.

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