Should you just end things if no longer attracted to partner or ahould you keep trying?

  1. It depends on whether waiting to see if the spark comes back is worth the time and commitment you’ve already put into the relationship. Waiting 5 years for the spark to come back when you’ve only been dating 3 months doesn’t make sense. (just an example)

  2. People are too complicated to provide an answer. Mainly, it depends on what caused it to leave in the first place.

  3. Look into what has happened – while libido and attraction to the specific person may wane in time – it will create enormous issues in your relationship if you don’t address it. In many cases it is the result of other underlining factors that need to be dealt with. If there aren’t any and you suddenly stopped being attracted to your partner, there is very little to do, except maybe talk about it and see if you can work together to spice things up or seek the help of a professional therapist or sex counselor – either way do not let it run off for long – nothing good can come from it.

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