How often have you been told to act more masculine?

  1. alot of times, im an asexual man, and people can’t accept that men aren’t sexual monsters and shit like that.
    and well, not wanting a sexual relationship isn’t manly enough apparently.

  2. Never. But despite not always acting masculine, I still look like the kind of guy who’ll punch you in the face if you said that shit.

  3. It never comes out like that, it’s usually in some sideways comment… “busting your balls” and shit. “Man up and ask that chick out! ” That sort of thing. Happen to me? Sure. But I don’t really put up with social “testing” anymore. That’s for insecure douchebags. You either have my back or you don’t, and if you don’t…..then I’m out.

  4. Told that specifically, never. I’ve been scolded by women a few times about what a “real man” is and I’ve just laughed and turned it around on them.

  5. Idk, Maybe twice.

    Or I just start ignoring the people who do bc I think that’s a stupid thing to say.

  6. I am masculine af so no one does that but they would call me out and say hey be a man , and i would say nah you do that , i am tired of that shit

  7. As an adult? Not that often. Eliminating the internet and that drops down to basically never.

    As a kid? A few times.

    As a teenager? That shit was flying around so much it was on the walls, on the ceiling, on the neighbor’s dog.

  8. Not masculine but ive been told to “man up” by some women who wanted me to lift heavy shit for them. In response I told them to woman up and make me a sandwich. They always get so offended

  9. It’s pushed in sort of a quiet way by society, I don’t think many directly get told to be a man. But if people seem judgemental when you cry, criticize you for sharing emotions, give you looks for dressing or doing your hair a certain way, and treat you as a deviant for breaking these norms- it feels like you get told to “man up” a lot without it directly being said.

  10. Born in the 60’s here, in case that matters, and literally never.
    I certainly wouldn’t give anyone’s opinion weight that said something like that though.

  11. When I was a kid my dad used to say “are you a man or a mouse?” As a way to get me to do things. It could be anything (such as get me to eat veggies or go to the cold water at the beach) and it rarely worked.

  12. I honestly don’t recall anyone ever saying that to me in my entire life. I’m not going out of my way to act hyper-masculine; I just try to act normal.

  13. Not for… years tbh. Possibly a decade. But I’m also six feet tall, bearded, hairy from neck to toe, and I’m a baritone who’s got a very even-keeled temperament.

  14. Spent many years working blue collar and I got told this regularly. The blue collar sector is full of old grumpy alcoholic men who are obsessed with masculinity in a weird way.

  15. I used to be told to act masculine as a child. I’m a gay man and as a kid I remember I acted a bit effeminate. Tbh I had some mannerisms that made people think I was gay, which was true, but at the time I wasn’t out even to myself and didn’t even know what homosexuality was. I was almost always told most of the time things like ”Act like a man” or ”walk like a man” or ”don’t be a fag”. It all changed when I went to university. However, nowadays I don’t give a sh*t about what other people say or think. Anyways society has changed a lot in the past years and besides I act very masculine in these days and people think I’m straight.

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