I been on google for awhile now and can’t find the original meaning of the flag and I don’t really know who to ask but this community

  1. I mean, you really can’t find it on google?

    Or you know, read the literal words written right on it?

  2. It means when you’re out in the fields and woods, watch out for small snakes, especially the garter variety, as they are easily stepped on and don’t like it.

  3. It was a revolutionary war flag. The rattlesnake was a representation of the American colonies at the time, such as in [Benjamin Franklin’s famous cartoon](https://i.imgur.com/7bEMb0R.png).

    A [different version of a rattlesnake with the text “don’t tread on me”](https://i.imgur.com/GbXacru.png) has served as the United States’ naval jack at various times.


    Fun fact: “Don’t tread on me” is thirteen letters, representing the original thirteen colonies, later States. Our original national moto, “E Pluribus Unum”, has the same symbolism.

  4. It was originally a revolutionary war flag used by the American rebels. Now it’s mostly used by libertarians and related groups.

  5. From Wikipedia:

    >Its design proclaims an assertive warning of vigilance and willingness to act in defense against coercion. This has led it to be associated with the ideas of individualism and liberty.

    No offense, but this seems pretty obvious to me.

  6. From wikipedia:

    >The flag is named after politician Christopher Gadsden (1724–1805), who designed it in 1775 during the American Revolution. It was used by the Continental Marines as an early motto flag, along with the Moultrie flag. Its design proclaims an assertive warning of vigilance and willingness to act in defense against coercion.[4] This has led it to be associated with the ideas of individualism and liberty.[5][6][7][8][9][10] It is often used in the United States as a symbol for right-libertarianism, classical liberalism, and small government; for distrust or defiance against authorities and government; and occasionally co-opted for right-wing populism or far-right ideology.[11]

    >A yellow banner charged with a yellow coiled timber rattlesnake facing toward the hoist sitting upon a patch of green grass, with thirteen rattles for the thirteen colonies, the words “DONT TREAD ON ME” positioned below the snake in black.

    >[…] there was painted a Rattle-Snake, with this modest motto under it, “Don’t tread on me.” […] she has no eye-lids. She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance. She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders […] The Rattle-Snake is solitary, and associates with her kind only when it is necessary for their preservation […] ‘Tis curious and amazing to observe how distinct and independent of each other the rattles of this animal are, and yet how firmly they are united together, so as never to be separated but by breaking them to pieces. […] The power of fascination attributed to her, by a generous construction, may be understood to mean, that those who consider the liberty and blessings which America affords, and once come over to her, never afterwards leave her, but spend their lives with her.

  7. Everyone else kind of posted the history of the flag itself, but I feel like to answer your question more directly, the meaning is as self-evident today as it was 250 years ago — the government serves at the behest of the people and not the other way around. People are inherently imbued with certain liberties and the government should not be able to restrict (“tread on”) those liberties.

  8. It was a revolution flag. Wss of the founders gave a sermon on how a snakes eyes are always vigilant for dangers and ready for violence but not wanting to seek it.

  9. It’s a type of snake that won’t come after you, but will strike if you get in its space. Hence the words “Don’t tread on me.”

    The sentiment is like “Get off my lawn,” but a bit more aggressive.

  10. Dude it’s quite literally written on Wikipedia, what do you mean you can’t find the original meaning it’s literally the first result on google

  11. It was a revolutionary war flag based on a cartoon from Benjamin Franklin. Rattle Snakes are a viper that warns larger creatures before it strikes, the flag is a warning to the government (at the time the British Empire) to not abuse its citizenry. It holds that same meaning in modernity.

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