Father of two little girls here, and I just want to do right by them.

  1. My Dad was a complicated man but a good one. He didnt always make the best decisions but he always tried his hardest for us. Even if I didnt live with him he always put in the effort to be in my life and be there for me. The best thing you can do for your kids is be there for them when they need you, no matter what they need you for.

  2. My dad wasn’t perfect but he was vocal and kind. He never lead me to believe I couldn’t do anything I really wanted to do. He also assured me he’s always there no matter what. But the most good thing about him is he’s fair and he respected anyone he has met regardless of their color or race or background. Why he was loved and known as someone more that the “American soldier man” at our hometown. He also has many pearls of wisdom:

    Have a good tailor on hand. – it doesn’t matter what the brand is if it doesn’t look/fit good on you.

    Never settle. Never lend money to friends or family.

    Be stable especially financially so you’ll never depend on anyone because of money.

    When you travel, immerse in the culture.

    Be able to understand and emphasize with anyone you come across with but you don’t have to agree with them always but respect the differences. – This one here has gained me many real friends from all walks of life.

    As woman everything will be harder but easier to get. Use your talents, be firm but soft. Know people and you’ll find that everyone is pretty much the same wherever you go.

    Always be courageous and true to yourself.

    And last is sometimes being courageous is admitting you’re wrong and going back to the beginning. And that’s ok as long as you have wonderful people supporting you.

  3. Be emotionally unavailable. Showed me that having an emotionally available husband is a non-negotiable for me and the family I’d have with him in the future.

  4. Changing a tire, checking tire pressure, checking oil, checking water, etc. It really is lost on some people how important this stuff is for everyone to know

  5. He abandon me from the start and never looked back I hate him!! I learned everything on my own. But I do have to say it made me a better person. I retired at the age of 55 .

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