Hello, I (23 M) have been thinking for the last few days that I should break up with my gf (23 F). We have been dating for nearly 5 years now after meeting during out freshman year of college, and have been living together for almost 2 years now as well.

I do not really know what prompted me to start thinking of this, but it has been a very strong thought in my mind the past few days, even keeping me up at night thinking about breaking up with her. Who better to ask than strangers on the internet? But first, even though it will probably not work, I would like to ask that nobody talk poorly about her, or me, I really dont need that shit right now.

My issue that I keep having is that I know that I still love her, she has been a part of my life for nearly a quarter of it, and I really do love her. I think I just feel neglected in our relationship. She has a lot going on, and I understand that, but it seems as though she has never not had a lot going on. I spend most of my days in my home office working, and she calls on me to do things bc she is too busy, even though I am also clearly busy at work. I spend hours at night rubbing her back to help her fall asleep, and then I lay in bed alone. We have sex maybe 1-2 times per month. I feel as though Im just here to help her and Im not being supported at all.

Have I tried to talk to her? Kinda. I have brought up similar things in the past, which just end up upsetting her, and then we would argue for a bit (which I am not good at) and then we would make up and move on. I do not think bringing this up would have a different result.

I am not really sure what else to add here, I am just looking for people willing to give me a bit of thoughtful advice. Feel free to DM me, this is a throwaway account.

TL;DR: I love my girlfriend, but am starting to feel neglected in out relationship. I am trying to figure out if I need to break up with her.

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