It seems like everytime an award show comes on, there’s either disdain for it or there’s apathy for it. I don’t see people getting genuinely excited about it like years ago. I wonder where did that came from. Why people don’t like award shows like in years past? And it better be good reasons for it besides it’s way too long.

  1. To give a shit about the awards, one must be familiar with the media being judged.

    I don’t go to the theaters but once or twice a year these days so the Oscars? Hell, I haven’t heard of half the movies let alone seen them or have an opinion on who wins.

    The Tonys? Sorry, I live 3,000 miles from Broadway.

    Emmys? I go to the movies more often than I watch TV. ‘Nuff said.

    Grammys? I haven’t bought a record/CD in probably a decade.

    I simply don’t consume the mass marketed materials that award shows are designed to hype. I don’t couldn’t tell you who the current Hollywood heart throbs are, nor do I care.

    As such… I have zero fucks to give about awards shows.

  2. For me, it’s the increasing prevalence of the shows being used for political grandstanding.

  3. Plenty of people still like awards shows, just less than before. Viewership has been going down steadily over the past several years. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but they always feel very wank-y to me. To me, it all just seems like a bunch of obscenely wealthy people taking turns to jerk themselves off on stage.

  4. The only thing people have talked about in recent awards shows is the Will Smith slap.

    They’re just not very interesting anymore. The winners are predictable. The show itself is not entertaining. And we already see the actors and celebrities all the time on social media so that’s less exciting too.

  5. I loathe Hollywood types in general, so a multi-hour affair of a bunch of rich weirdos jerking each other off between ham fisted political tirades sounds like it’d be excruciating to sit through.

    The novelty for the people who are bizarrely invested in the lives of the rich and famous has also worn off. Award shows used to be the only real look you’d get at these people when they weren’t actively performing.

    Now? Who’s got a podcast? Who said what on Twitter? Who’s tits are on Instagram?

  6. I don’t watch any of the crap they’re awarding each other for, why would I watch the award shows?

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