Why do bladders automatically fill even though we don’t drink anything?

  1. Just because you didn’t drink anything in the last hour does not mean that you have not previously. Your body is always producing waste. People who have been stranded without water still create urine.

  2. it blood plasma. hence why if u dont drink much, theres more residual red blood cells in it and turns the pee orange.

  3. Your body needs to remove cellular waste. Our kidneys are one of the primary methods. If they don’t do their jobs the waste builds up and eventually you get sick.

    You not drinking water just makes your kidneys work harder. They are important. Drink more water.

  4. Your body runs on glucose.

    You metabolise that via a reaction called resperation that burns the glucose with oxygen, releasing CO2 and water.

    Basically, your body constantly produces waste water. Even if you don’t eat or drink for a prolonged period, your body will keep producing water.

  5. Food that is still in your intestines is having liquid extracted. Know why diarrhea is wet? It’s because your body is trying to get rid of something in your food that is making it sick, so the intestine muscles stiffen to straighten out the tract, making a slip-n-slide to evacuate the solid waste ASAP. So your intestines didn’t have time to extract the liquid. This process also happens when drinking coffee, since caffeine causes the same reaction by your intestinal tract muscles. That’s why a lot of people need their morning coffee to get their morning shit rolling.


    Also, constipation happens when your body is holding on to the waste too long or (due to some meds) is drawing out the moisture too fast. So the waste ends up very hard and dry, and difficult to pass since it’s no longer flexible.


    Also, your body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in your muscles and reserves in your liver. Glycogen is a polysaccharide, glucose+water. When your muscle needs it, it breaks it down with hydrolysis to get the glucose, and the leftover is water. Your body excretes the excess water via sweating or pissing.


    This is why when you go on a fast and don’t eat for a few days, you lose a lot of weight. But it’s mostly water weight being shed as your body burns through it’s stores of glycogen. Once that’s over, and the glycogen is all gone, the body starts using fat for energy. There is no water byproduct from that process. And then when you start eating again, that weight comes right back on as your body stores glycogen again so it sucks up all the water you are drinking to do it.


    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle

    YO JOE!

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