what’s your favourite thing about yourself? 🙂

  1. To have a favourite thing about myself I first need to like at least two things about me, that’s asking a lot. (I’m joking I love myself)

  2. I’m one of the coolest people alive on this planet


    I want you all to know that the more attention you pay to me the stronger i get

  3. That I can be into nerdy and non-nerdy stuff and have none of the negative traits that people talk about people having in either grouping. It just seems like a lot of people are comfortable putting all their chips on one or the other, along with that if they hang with people who enable negative traits. It sound arrogant to talk about sure, I’m just tired of the drama and thought things would be easier if I didn’t have those negative traits that typically push other people away.

  4. I have some serious flaws, can be distant, and have been an asshole in my down states before… But I’ve done a lot for people.

    I know if I wasn’t there a girl would have been raped. Several people would have successfully killed themselves… And some number more would not have gotten out of serious depression and bullying for a long time.

    I’m proud of myself for making those sacrifices, taking those fights, and going through what I did. I’ve been there for some people’s darkest hours, and rose to the occasion when police and others wouldn’t.

    I really hope it makes up for the times I was a bad friend and boyfriend. I don’t want to ever make those mistakes again, it wasn’t the real me.

  5. My sense of humor, I think I’m really funny. Not sure others agree but I make myself laugh so I’m having fun

  6. Lately I’ve been getting called into crisis meetings at work because, as one manager worded it, “we need someone level headed and knowledgeable”.

    I’m kinda basking in that, but it’s really just that NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU’RE DOING.

  7. I’m humble as fuck.

    Ask anyone.

    In a serious answer I’d say it’s that I don’t have vices. Never really have.

    That and I’m not an envious or jealous individual. I don’t really know what that feels like but I see it on people all the time and it really doesn’t sound appealing.

  8. That I get along with people of all backgrounds easily and that I am likable. I have been with the same large company for ten years and have never once had a bad relationship, rivalry, or any drama.

  9. I can fix stuff, and, although I’m very introverted, I can get along with different kinds of people.

  10. I’m really great at doing the things I care about. If only I could care about having and operating a business.

  11. I will never steal from you, and never tell you a lie.Not telling a lie is a good thing most of the time.

  12. My favourite thing about myself is that it is difficult to pick just one thing to choose as being the favourite thing about myself

  13. I have an ability to read a post prompt such as this and not become depressed at not finding anything about myself to rate as favorite.

  14. I have extreme social anxiety (just bare with me here) so when it comes to talking to people I am (to put it bluntly) shit.

    But I’ve discovered a way to turn it around.

    Because of the fact I can’t talk to people when someone that I know what’s someone to listen (weather it’s a rant or getting something off their chest) I am there first choice, because I will just sit their. And people seem to think I’m a great listener, in reality I’m to anxious to say anything.

    So that’s my favourite thing about myself.

  15. The fact that I’m just so chill about things,that worries the people around me and at the end of it solve it way better than they could.

  16. My huge.. i mean absolutely fuckn enormous…

    D*…. you thought i was gunna say Dick didnt you?…

  17. Legit, my dimples. It’s rare to have dimples as an adult and I still have both on the corner of my mouth. Not very manly, but I like it.

    Also, I’m pretty short, but my body is really proportional. Like, my arms aren’t stubby or my legs aren’t too long. I’m just a small fully grown person.

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