Me and SO are paying rent and with that increasing and the state of house prices, it is becoming difficult to save. I don’t even have avocado on toast! So surely I should be able to have enough of a deposit? May have to cancel that netflix subscription 🙄. Realistically, I think we should get a deposit save by 2024, as we have both recently started new jobs and our salaries have gone £10k and 13k annually.

  1. Honestly? No. The way everything is going up, it feels like it’s either live or save.

    Since Covid, and spending so much time doing nothing, I want to be able to go out on dates, take my family out for dinner, go to the movies etc. and this is basically everything I would have to give up to save for a house.

  2. Was planning to by the end of the year, until all this cost of living nonsense. I think I might sit tight for another year and then see if the landlord wants to sell.

  3. I haste to be ‘that guy’ but I am ‘that guy’.

    You might just have to forget ideas of living in the home counties or close to the centre of London/Manchester/Big City X.

    There are plenty of places where it’s possible to get on the housing ladder and they aren’t all shitholes. Lots of decent places in East of England, East Midlands, South-West of England, deepest Lancashire etc where a starter home can be had for well under £200K and there’s no shortage of work, in pretty much any sector outside of banking and marketing/advertising.

  4. Me and my wife are planning on buying. We’ve started saving this year. I’m paying the rent on our current house, and the monthly bills from my wage and she’s putting the equivalent away into the mortgage fund from her wage. It’s tight but it’ll be worth it I hope. We do either a weekend away or 2 date nights each month to stop us going mad 😅

  5. No, decided I could die at any point, so spent all my deposit money on things I like and can use now.

  6. Nope. Seems like a total waste of money to me. I’d rather put that money to something more important, like my funeral.

  7. Been renting the last decade and saving up for the last two years for a deposit, today I got an offer accepted on my own place!! Now to throw cash at lawyers.

  8. No.

    Mine’s gone up 20% today, second time in 2 years.

    Issue is everywhere else nearby has done the same.

    System’s fucked and long overdue for a crash or adjustment.

  9. Nope!! We managed to save £15K in lockdown but house prices in Bristol start from £300K (in the areas we would want). It just feels like we can’t save enough whilst also having a life!

  10. Will wait for the market to go down I live at parents because money on rent is dead money. But I understand obviously not everyone has that choice.

  11. I used to own a house, now I rent and move around the country for whoever pays the most. I plan to move abroad ASAP and retire before I’m in my 40’s.

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