i (18f) want to break up with my gf (18f). we’ve been dating a year and a bit, i don’t think i have feelings anymore, we’re sexually incompatible, they love me so much and i know i can’t reciprocate it. we started dating too soon after my last relationship ended (it was 2 years and we dated a month after). i’m tired. i don’t know who i am. i haven’t been single since grade 9 (14). i want to be alone for a bit. what do i say? how do i say it? when do i say it? how do i deal with a bad reaction? i’ve always been the dumpee

  1. “I care about you a lot, but this relationship isn’t working for me anymore. I’m sorry.”

    I’d say it in person on neutral turf. Let them react however they want to react (but if it gets nasty, leave).

  2. Just be honest with her. Sometimes, a person needs to be alone to find themselves and to figure out what they are compatible with

  3. Just tell her you want your freedom to be single for awhile. It’s not her. Just something you need for you.

    Tell her in person. I wouldn’t have Her in the car. Just on the porch or meet somewhere. Maybe a Starbucks and sit outside. And have somewhere to be an hour or so later. I’d even set up for a friend to call and let them know that you won’t be late when they call in front of her. That is if you’re worried she won’t leave. You make it so that you can leave. No screaming. Or crying. Just calm words and patience. Be kind.

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