It’s been 2 days since my husband expressed to me he wants to separate and ultimately divorce. Although devastated, I agreed as we have been arguing a lot lately and I can feel just how distant he has been. Some backstory: we are in our late 20’s and we got married extremely young. We have a 6 year old son on the spectrum. He is active duty military so we have always been on our own: My husband had a drinking problem for YEARS. I was always understanding and forgiving. We’ve been through some really rough times. He has now been sober for 6 months. We have attended couples therpay however due to work and conflicting schedules we haven’t been in a few months. We are also culturally different as I’m Mexican and he is white. Sometimes we clash culturally. We argue and then we apologize and make up. I take care of him and try to make his life as easy as possible since I know his work is stressful. I legitimately love doing this as it’s my love language. Our sex life is also healthy, we both initiate and get physical a good amount of the time. I’ve always been ready to forgive and for the past 2 months or so I had been feeling him growing more resentful and distant. For the past year I have been steadily going to the gym and getting fit and I grew physically and mentally. I’m softer emotionally when I use to be very cold. It seems like we have flip flopped and now he’s the cold one and I’m the softy. I have asked if there is someone else and he has expressed to me that there is no one else. He explained to me that now that he is sober, he is realizing maybe we are not compatible and need some space and ultimately a divorce. I cried a lot (and hysterically in our room alone) but told him I understand and I would never want to force him to be with me. He tells me loves me, will probably always love me but he needs to be alone to figure himself out. I told him he should do just that, and to not come back if he’s unhappy and miserable. He’s trying to find an apartment but in the meantime he will be staying in our son’s bedroom and our son will sleep in our bed with me. He checked on me often yesterday and then brought up how we should be separated and hold off on the divorce. He also told me I would want for nothing as he will always take care of me financially and he will always be around if I need him for anything. I didn’t ask for an explanation as I was just too exhausted to seek clarity. I’m wondering if we can get past this? Or if I should just move on, heal, and focus on myself. I love him dearly, but I love me too and above all else our son who is the most important person in this situation. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Also, sorry for the extremely long post.

  1. If he isn’t in individual therapy, he should be.

    And getting sober, clarifies things. It did for me.

    Do not get your hopes up, by getting sober, he may no longer be a man who could love you.

  2. I’m so sorry. However, studies have shown that within three years of a trial separation 70% of the marriages had failed. By five years, 90% of the marriages had failed. Separation is jus a pre-divorce phase. Get into counseling if he will go.

  3. First off check out Marriage Help online they have a lot of great videos that can help you two

    You two can heal this marriage if you both are willing to put down your walls and work hard on healing.

    Check out John Gottman and his 7 ways to make marriage work

  4. Wow. I think you can overcome this with the right help. Try couples counseling. He seems confused and hopefully counseling will help with clarity. Get out in front of this. He should also be embracing you culturally. I am very close to my in-laws (my wife is Mexican as well) and I embrace everything. It is reciprocated. We have had to overcome several challenges in our marriage but we are still here together. You can also look at a marriage retreat or bootcamp as well. Good luck OP.

  5. I would say if love is strong enough between you two..things should align after separation. Give yourself and your husband space to figure things out.

    Love yourself first. Medidate with your son. Journal your feelings every day.

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