Hiii so I am currently on one of those 18-35 year old travel groups travel tours to europe for a few weeks.

At first I was okay getting to know everyone and I made a small circle. Well now that circle has broken up into new groups and I am just chilling alone and i’m just not clicking with anyone.

All they wanna do is drink drink drink, party, go to restaurants and sleep. I am the only girl on this trip that doesn’t have a “group” and it’s just kinda weird and I feel like everyone is judging me.

Do I act like I just don’t care? or join them and make small talk with them? to ease my anxiety??

  1. I’m not advocating it but have you ruled out drinking completely?

    I would suggest going on night out with them as they’re usually when the bonds happen. You don’t have to drink but it could help as the night goes on, but don’t feel pressured to! Go for a meal with them at least.

  2. I can’t think of anything more horrifying than being on a group travel trip, but I wouldn’t care if people judged me. If you don’t want to drink or party spend your days sightseeing, go to bed early, and do it again the next day. Who cares what those people think you’ll probably never see them again.

  3. There has to be another person there who isn’t a major drinker. Even “less” is an improvement over people getting blotto every night. So find that person and hang out.

    I think part of the problem is you’re perceiving people as being “groups” when friends are best made with INDIVIDUALS. So find that one other person you like and “start clicking.”

    Good luck!

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