sometimes we drive that endless road down, straight forward, and never change the path.

our luck was blooming a million miles ago. maybe it will again. maybe i should leave this road. is it the lack of courage, or is it hope? i fear to fall.

why did you leave the road?

how did it change your journey of life?

  1. When she came between me and my family. Big red line. Now I see my child less but that will get better in time and I’m happier than I’ve ever been 😁

  2. She drank way too much. I told her to stop and then she drank more and lied about it. I was prepared to put up with it until it was unsafe for our kid.

    I went from seeing my kid every day to maybe once a week which is a really hard pill to swallow but it’s the price I pay for safety.

  3. She was violent, abusive in every possible respect. She would threaten me with things like calling the police and claiming I had hit her. She regularly threatened suicide. I should have left her the first time she did any of that crap. Since then I’ve been mostly single, other than dating and situations. It’s great. After 13 years I STILL love coming home to a quiet house. I see my child half the time, which has required a LOT of struggle.

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