I’ve heard that the 2020s are similar to the 1970s, Redditors who remember the 70s, is this true?

  1. I don’t count but I’ve always seen this as more of a joke response to inflation and world events.

  2. I was born in the 80s, but with high inflation and weirdly short shorts on men making a comeback you might have a point.

  3. Yes!

    Inflation, headed to stagflation, recession.

    Energy issues – rising prices, possible supply issues,

    Fashion – flare pants, loose pants (blech!) v. the skinny jeans/jeggings/leggings

    Yes, 70’s deja vu.. and thanks but NO THANKS!

  4. No, it’s not.

    The economy in the 1970s was much worse than what we face now.

    On the other hand, politics in the 1970s was much less partisan than it us today. Sure you had Nixon but you also had Republicans who forced him to resign. That would never happen today, no matter what he had done.

    The whole country was more liberal, and if anything the courts were more liberal than the country.

    Despite the economic difficulties, there was a much less income disparity and a much larger middle class than today. There was a 70% tax rate on income over $200,000! Unions were strong and backed by federal laws. The Rust Belt was a thing of the future. Manufacturing jobs employed millions of blue collar workers.

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