So i am honestly confused here. This guy and I had a short raunchy fling the first encounter I have had with him. It all started with great conversations like WHOLESOME convos about life and dreams then suddenly it became talks about our sex lives. So naturally i assumed things were heating up and I caught on to what he wanted? One thing led to another and things became raunchy- but no sex was involved, more so just kissing/flirting/some touching in which HE started- it was very heat of the moment. To me, it was so out of the blue because this guy was someone I knew but never saw him in that light. He was the one who made advances on me and I went with it because I was into as well. I thought nothing serious of it, i saw it as a fun lil spontaneous thing with no attachment. I assumed things were escalating to something because of how intense it was getting and how much HE was initating things. I reacted normally and went along with it- jumping to what i thought was going to be sex but then he stopped me and said “maybe next time”. So that was already confusing. He initated it and all of a sudden hes backing out huh?

So the next time I see him, we have great convos again. It always starts like this, so pg and then topics divert to sex somehow. But then more stuff starts happening.He starts getting sexual and I ended up having oral sex with him and then initated what i thought was going to happen and then he stopped me AGAIN lol. I was already over it at this point I felt so led on and then rejected all at once i feel like he wanted me to beg for him? Im not that type of person at all though. Ive had my fair share of selfish/entitled men i refused to put myself through that. I wasnt going to even press on it further. If he stopped what he was starting, im not going to force anything. But i was sure as hell so confused as why he was doing that?

Fast forward to third and FINAL time i see him.. he gets handsy again and i go in for it again thinking ok maybe hes just into foreplay like edging?? He then stops and says “well maybe no you seem like a nice person i just wouldnt want to do that to you. I just feel like you deserve someone who will give you all of their attention.” I was really thrown off by this bc i thought nothing more of this “thing” we had going on. He then started playing therapist asking me why i dont go around having s*x with other people more often, if im sad being alone (just moved into my first apartment by myself), and what type of guys im into. He even went so far to recommend his younger BROTHER to me. I ended up getting teary eyed during this convo because i felt like it suddenly became a shrink session. I thought we were having non-attachment fun. I had no idea what was going on & quite frankly ive never experienced something like this.

Does this dude have feelings for me is that why? Does he just genuinely respect me or is this an act to make me chase him? Im so lost here, has anyone been in such a weird situation like this? lol

TL;DR! – Guy who initiated sexual acts/flirts first pulls back everytime it escalates to actual sex. Is he doing this for a certain reason? Im always left feeling confused and stupid as if im the one beggging

  1. This guy is either confused himself about what he wants and this is not about you at all, or he is playing some serious mind games. I think the easiest and least emotionally exhausting option for you would be to let this go. If he tries to interact with you again just wish him well but let him know that situation with him isn’t working for you. And then don’t contact him again or respond to him when he tried to reach out, and consider blocking him. Cause it really sounds like he just likes messing with you, but it’s hard to tell just from one post

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