I dont think that I am disliked, I’ve been a class rappresentative last year and I will likely win the elections this year as well. Today I was invited for lunch by some classmates of mine as well. Except it was just one of them inviting me. I dont like that friends group too much: they are known for talking shit about each other, but I recently broke up with my girlfriend who is in the group that I also am in, and the problem is that most of the people in that group have been knowing her for longer than me, which keans that I tend to be excluded. I am good at Tallinn to people and making aquaintances, but I just cant seem to find a way to make deeper friendships, expecially in my class enviorment since I tend to talk about topics that I usually discuss with older guys, and that my classmates are not concerned about. I have issues finding people that I’m genuinely interested in as well. I fondi a guy who was on self inporvement as well, but he lives in another city so it’s hard to keep in contact, mostly because we’ve talked a lot but only had about 2 days before I went back to my city. Any suggestions?

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