We just recently celebrated our 2 year anniversary and it was great, everything has been going well. Sure we have had our ups and downs and small fights but our communication is really good and we usually make up right away and talk it out. A very healthy relationship and I thought he was the one… until yesterday. He ignored my messages all day; I knew something was up. When he got home to our apartment he broke up with me out of nowhere. I was in shock I didn’t know how to feel. It came out of nowhere, I didn’t even feel like we were in a bad place at all. The reasoning for him breaking up with me is him saying he wants to be alone and that he doesn’t want the same things as me in regard to marriage or kids (which I wish I knew sooner). He said he is happiest when he is just sitting alone with his thoughts which confused me because he also told me how happy he is with me and how amazing I am. I am just so confused. He works in a factory and is struggling to see what he wants to do with his life. I have been in his corner and always am trying to help him and push him to his goals but it seems like it’s not enough… i don’t know what to do, I am miserable and can’t stop crying. I just lost my best friend and person I love the most. We get along so well, so comparable and we love each other’s interest. He says when he closes his eyes he sees himself alone on an island. He claims he has commitment issues but I just don’t understand if you do why be in a relationship for 2 years and living with someone. I am struggling a lot and how to accept this. I don’t know what to do I really want him back and to be with him. I tried to convince him but nothing works. Our families are amazing and I really felt like apart of his. I don’t want to do this dating thing again, I know he’s the one for me. We have talked already and told me he loves and misses me. Please help

  1. You’re going to have to accept his reasons for the break up and move on. Take some time to grieve sure but respect him enough to abide by his wishes. There might be another reason for the breakup or he could be being honest. Either way, when one person decides it’s over then it is. Sorry hun, I’m sure it hurts. Lots of hugs.

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