To all the men out here, what is your definition of self love.

  1. Understanding you will have days that aren’t spectacular but going through the process of enjoying life to the fullest and spending time around others who enjoy your company.

  2. Being happy with who you are, finding and doing things that you enjoy, and while you should be considerate of others, you also need to advocate for yourself.

  3. Finding something you can do alone or with friends and getting time to do it. Something that recharges batteries and makes you feel better after no matter what.

  4. honestly I don’t understand the whole concept. I just exist, I’m not sure what loving myself is suppose to mean, not do I feel a need for it, but I’m not going to knock anyone else’s perception.

    I suppose what we’re talking about it where your locus of self worth is?

  5. When you get into you 50’s and 60’s and realize that your flaws are really your misunderstood superpowers.

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