My gf didn’t want to do anal sex. But she has many times done it with her ex. Though, we like each other. This makes me feel uncomfortable and I’m seriously considering, whether I should seek it from other sources. Looks like I’m in a point of breakup.. Any advice please.

  1. Have you talked about this with her? Like has she told you why she doesn’t want anal with you?

  2. Maybe she is not ready to do that with you. You attitude of”she did it with him and not me” is exactly why people should ask or talk about sexual activities that they had with an ex.

    People are insecure. Have you ever thought that she just isn’t comfortable doing that with you and maybe the relationship needs to develop more.

    Maybe she did it because she was coerced or guilted into it.

    Maybe she doesn’t like it anymore.

  3. Talk to her first.

    If there’s other issues besides her not wanting anal that you want to break up, then maybe you should break up. If it’s just the anal thing, then please just talk with her first. See why she doesn’t want to. Be nice about it don’t confront her about it. Just “I’m curious why not?” if she doesn’t want to talk about it, don’t pressure her. Give her time. Then later discuss your relationship together and explain how that’s affecting your relationship with her.

  4. Anal hurts, so I’m with her. If you’re considering breaking up with her to go seek a butthole to stick your dick in, do her a favor and get out of her life lol, clearly she doesn’t mean more to you than a random hypothetical asshole. I mean, come on.

  5. You’re gonna break up because she won’t do anal ? ok lol. Ever stop to think it’s not all that great for her? you can do what you want but i don’t think someone else wanting do have anal sex with you will make them your perfect partner. I guess i’m confused on the goal. What if you get another girlfriend that tries it and hates it? Will you just keep breaking up with people for anal? Sounds crazy.

  6. Everybody has their dealbreakers when it comes to sex. If anal is yours, then it’s time to move on, and be sure that your future partners know what your dealbreaker(s) are.

    Many years ago after several failed relationships I discovered that my high libido was a dealbreaker, I could not manage it down, so I needed to limit my future partners to those who had libidos close to mine. Not too long after that I met my wife. That was 1984. I’m glad I wised up, else I would be repeating the same pattern.

    Good luck. The world is a very big place, I’m sure you will find a compatible partner.

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