What are your views/thoughts of TikTok as an American?

  1. I don’t really understand or care for it but I generally do not like to watch videos; I don’t spend a ton of time on youtube and never really used vine either.

  2. Views? It’s just sending all user data to China’s government. Not my problem though, I don’t use it.

  3. I don’t have it but do occasionally see the videos of them on my facebook. Admittedly there’s some funny stuff I’ve seen but from what I’ve heard from friends (with teenage kids) there’s more trash and harmful stuff than good so they don’t allow their kids to have it. I’ll probably say no if my kids ask when they’re older.

  4. As a 61 year old American, I think its a stupid shit app. I also realize I’m not the target audience and my opinion means nothing, nor should it.

    But still, the world would be a much better place for me if I didn’t need to see an ad for it EVERY SINGLE TIME I PLAY A YOUTUBE VIDEO!


  5. I enjoy some of the skits that I see re-uploaded here on Reddit. I don’t care about its original intended purpose of “dueting” (tick tock, get it?) for music or dances. It’s fine for mild, time killing entertainment but seems very unsuited to deliver meaningful and useful information (which say, Facebook, Reddit, or Twitter can do despite all their ills; written word will always be superior to video or audio for that in my opinion).

    All the heavy sex censorships seems really weird. That’s gotta be coming from Tiktok itself, right? I refuse to believe nearly every video I see with a “sex word” self censors.

  6. I think it’s most likely Chinese spyware and I don’t think that matters to most Americans

  7. I’m too old for that shit. Also, it’s from China, so probably helping a government that I dont like.

  8. Look man if the Chinese government thinks they can learn something from me watching Hot Subby Goth girls then so be it

  9. It’s like a much more repetitive version of what vine was; but without the personalities to match

  10. I say this as someone who fell into early Youtube as a teenager making stupid, cringey content for the world to see: I think it’s too fast paced with trends and not enough real substance, but that’s mostly harmless entertainment I’m just not personally into. I’ll stick to Youtube like the dinosaur I am, but I won’t raise a fuss over people just using it to kill time or as a hobby.

    I do have some gripes, though. I think too many people are using it as a place to “stay informed”, mostly through influencers giving their opinions on world events, at least in my experience. That’s as bad as using Reddit, Twitter, or Facebook as your sole news source, probably worse in some respects. I also think it’s a source of concern that China owns it. Nothing good can come from that.

  11. It’s terrible, a Chinese disinformation app that has taken hold as an entire generations primary source of entertainment / information.

  12. Annoying. I wish it and this cringe scripted video comedy would go away forever. How did vine remain as wholesome and funny as it was..? Tiktok missed the memo.

  13. I don’t have tiktok and have no interest in it. I didn’t even buy my first smarphone until 2014 and start Instagram until 2016.

  14. Not a fan. I think it’s pretty damaging tbh. It’s built to shorten attention spans and get people hooked. On top of that, you’re giving them the right to monitor you heavily. They monitor your other apps and your typing patterns… that’s fucked.

    Trump trying to ban it was the right choice.

  15. Great data mine for China. I refuse to use it and I don’t know anyone who uses it.

    It’s also effectively Vine 2.0. It’s almost the same thing with a few tweaks.

  16. [puts on angry old man costume]

    It’s crap!

    But in all seriousness ot sucks. It seems to be entirely full of faked videos or just videos so stupid that it hurts.

  17. I think it’s one of the most vapid, valueless forms of entertainment ever created, and the only thing it “accomplishes” is allowing stupid kids to spread their stupidity faster and farther. But I’m also over 30, and even when I was a teenager I hated stuff like this. So I’m not the target market at all.

    Also fuck the Chinese government

  18. As someone who works in marketing and has used the app for research, it is very, very addictive if you’re not disciplined, but it’s kind of like reddit in that if you have hobbies that interest you, it is an excellent resource.

    I use it to supplement the youtube recipes I look up because you can see a pretty complicated technique condensed to under 3 minutes, and it makes it helpful when you’re teaching yourself how to do something.

  19. Very concerned about its telemetry capabilities and its ability to subtly influence American youth. Nothing it stopping China from making certain messages “trend”.

  20. I’m too old for it (mid 30s) and I think it’s helping shorten attention spans – I struggle with that enough as it is. I figure if there’s a video funny enough I’ll end up seeing it here or on Instagram and if not, I really don’t care.

  21. I have a bunch of opinions about TT and their parent company ByteDance. I work in the music biz and have been managing a corporate relationship with their music distro service. I have hated every second of that, it has been contentious at best for the last year. Hoping to get off that project soon.

    As an app, independent musicians are very much beholden to it. If you want to break your new track, it better be available on TikTok for people to create their own content with. You better be engaging with your fans and potential fans. Even major labels are manufacturing viral moments on the app and its kind of crazy to see.

    As a consumer, I haven’t spent a lot of time on the platform myself. But I like to consume content as much as everyone else so 🤷🏻‍♀️

  22. It is Chinese spyware that should’ve been banned as soon as it was found out to be Chinese Spyware.

  23. I’m old (not really, but old enough that TikTok is not targeted at my age group). I don’t care for it, but I’m not the target audience so…**shrug**.

  24. It doesn’t provide anything I want to have in my life (like most social media), plus I don’t trust it not to be spyware for China.

    So I think quite poorly of it, but I can see why the format is popular. People like things that entertain them and where they don’t have to think to hard. I just use reddit for that instead.

  25. Out of all the current social media trendy platforms, I think TikTok is the one I hate second most. There’s good content on there, but it can get very ugly very fast.

  26. I thought it was pretty dumb until I downloaded it. As a 35 year old man, there’s plenty of content that would appeal to someone like me. A lot of people seem to think that what you see of it in the media (trends, lipsyncing, dances) is all the app is, but ultimately no matter who you are, there’s content aimed at you and the algorithm is really good at finding it and delivering it.

    As for the implications of your data being sent to china… not a fan of that but I’m not exactly hiding anything so its kind of one of those situations where I now its not good but I’m allowing it to happen becuase I don’t have any specific reason not to…

  27. I love it. I can definitely see how it can be annoying or stupid to someone who doesn’t use it, but once you curate your page to the stuff you’re interested in, it’s pretty awesome.

  28. i hate what social media has done to younger generations. i see people standing in their driveway trying to do tiktok dances for practice or walking down the sidewalk doing the same. its so fucking mindless. i hate to sound like a boomer but its so bad, couldn’t be happier thst myspace was just taking off my senior year of high school so i didn’t grow up with this shit.

  29. Seems really addictive and the CCP has is hands all over so I’m not too trust worthy of it. I avoid it tbh. It’s a brilliantly designed app tho and I get the appeal it has.

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