People always talked about size, shape, and what about the texture/firmness in terms of how they feels?

We mean natural boobs here (not the silicons), they still varies from firm to soft, squishy or lumpy.

What is your favourite type? or does it matter to you?

  1. I’ll be honest in that I have not felt up a lot of boobs. And the only boobs I’ve touched in the last decade are my wife’s. Hers are soft and saggy and I love them. Further, I can’t really imagine a boob that I would not be happy with. All boobs are good boobs.

  2. I have had a little variety and, in my honest opinion, it doesn’t matter in the least. What matters is who the boobs are attached to.

  3. I do think guys have types just like women have with guys builds. Some like big, others small, and some don’t care. Speaking personally, I like it natural looking and not into the porn style super firm stand up straight when on your back boob. There are good implants and ones that just go way overboard. Some guys even have preference over the way the nipple and areola look. At the end of the day as long as the woman is comfortable with her body and has a guy that likes her for the way she looks that is what matters most. Confidence is king so own who u r as guys love that more than anything.

  4. I care, but I don’t have a preference, if you see what I mean. I’ve been with women with small firm ones and big soft pillowy ones, and both are great.

  5. Not really, natural ones all feel somewhat similar however badly done fake ones where the dr has put in massive implants are very noticeably different

  6. To me, All boobs are fun and amazing. I must be a teenager still lol. I do love the feeling and look of soft, squishy, all natural boobs!

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