How would you want a woman to propose to you?

  1. “Would you not marry me, so that we can use the money, otherwise spent on a wedding, for something more useful?”

  2. For context, my husband and I are already married. I want to ‘propose’ to him for our 15 year anniversary coming up, that we renew our vows in a second (private) ceremony. What I’m really looking for is what a man would like in a proposal from his wife, not girlfriend

  3. Parachute off a helicopter with a bottle of expensive champagne and then drop on one knee and propose in front of a massive crowd. When I say yes, grab my waist and kiss me passionately forcing the nearby parents to cover their childrens eyes. It’s my turn 😏

  4. At high noon on a Saturday in town square and she does so as if she’s a town crier from the days yore.

  5. For our 15th anniversary as a “second” proposal? Do it in public and embarrass me so we can laugh about it on our 20th.

  6. Just grab me by the collar, pull me close, and ask would you marry me and if we’ve been dating for a while I’d consider it. I don’t need a perfect time or place, I’m a simple person.

  7. Wow I was not expecting so many men to not at all be into the concept! I’ll rethink my plan. I really thought proposing a vow renewal would be romantic (and I don’t think he’d think of it himself).
    I get that a bunch seem not into marriage period, but that ship has sailed. It’s been 15 years and we’re doing good

  8. It would have time be done in an extremely cheesey fashion. A dinosaur suit should definitely be involved.

  9. OP, keep in mind that some men would love to be proposed to (or “vow renewal” proposed to in your case), and that the majority of guys in here lean more traditional in their dating/relationship norms.

    For myself, as long as the proposal was sincere and had thought and effort put into it, I’d appreciate it; it could be something as simple as setting aside a “him day” where you treat him to his favorite food and activity, then propose. Of course, you know your husband better than anyone here, so you’d be the best judge on whether he would enjoy this or not.

  10. I’d want it done somewhere kind of private, with beautiful nature around. No need to kneel, just ask. Ideally, I’d have a ring in my pocket too because I was on the same page.

  11. Make it personal. You guys gave history together, if you could somehow tap into that (location, songs, similar clothing) that would probably be awesome.

    I would like a renewal that came this way. This ship has sailed because you are over, but on our 12th birthday together I got her a custom print tile wall clock (we were short of money). Each hour was represented by something that happened on that year – let’s say you two bought your first car on year 2 and had a kid on year 3. Then hour 2 on the clock would have a car image and hour 3 would have a baby image or something that represents a baby (the bird, etc).

    I actually managed to highlight much of the most important events of our 12 years together that year. While not an expensive gift, it was thought for her and it has emotional meaning only for us, as that is our story hanging on the wall nowadays.

    Think of him, of you, and of remarkable experiences you had together. If you are into funny stuff, it could be one major failure. If you are into romantic dating, maybe it was some special night. You know your relationship. Make the vow renewal be about yourselves – and unfortunately I can’t give you more advice as you know your man and your story and I don’t.

    Also you know whether he would like or not to be vow renewal proposed. Remember that this is not marriage proposal, but it was not clear on the post – I got this from comments. Lots of men will be uncomfortable for marriage proposal I’d guess, but not so much for vow renewal.

  12. A friend of mine proposed to her boyfriend. Now husband of 6yrs. She created a personalized puzzle since he loved them and did one every morning. She switched it out with his normal. He loved it, it was personal and made him feel special. (Of course she told us this, he would never admit this to us lol) She was always the more vocal of the two so it made sense with the dynamic of the relationship for her to propose. Instead of a ring she proposed with a watch. I’m not a dude but seeing one first hand I just suggest something personal and screw these people on here. If it makes sense to you and your relationship, go for it and good luck with the renewal

  13. My wife proposed to me. We are celebrating our third anniversary this week, actually.

    She did it on New Year’s Eve. Right at midnight she told me she had one belated Christmas gift for me. She handed me a small hand bound book.

    She is great at drawing and hand written typography. I start thumbing through the book and each page is an illustration and some words referencing a memory of ours, an inside joke, things like that.

    She’s a big Taylor swift fan. Not so much me, but I do appreciate the music. Second to last page was the verse from “New Years day”. Something to the effect of “don’t read the last page, but I stay..”

    At this point I’m thinking “if this isn’t a proposal I’m gonna be bummed out!”

    The last page was a drawing of two candy hearts. Years before this when when we moved in together she made me a card that had candy hearts with “be mine. Co-sign” on them.

    These hearts said “be mine. Marry me?”

    I fucking lost it. Have never felt so loved and desired in all my life. Such an awesome memory.

  14. Depends on if you expect me to write some vows as well. If you want me to write some too, then I’d like at least a week’s notice. Because getting in touch with my feelings isn’t something that comes easily. I wouldn’t be able to write them up the night before, without me feeling embarrassed/cringe about how juvenile they’d probably sound. So, give me time to think about them.

    But, if you are the only one writing the vows, then I guess make it romantic. If money isn’t an issue and he’s not under a stressful work/life situation, then ideally we’d have the weekend away for a mini honeymoon, otherwise keep it short and simple i.e. a picnic with a pretty view. Also, no kids on the honeymoon.

  15. Definitely not in public. In fact for me the ideal setting would be where nobody is around except for the two of us.

  16. I’m realizing way too many of you have problems with women showing agency in wanting a to go to the next phase in a relationship.

    If a woman proposing to you makes you feel emasculated, you need to reconsider what you think being masculine means

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