What is your opinion on rep AOC?

  1. I think she represents her district in the way most of the voters want her to. I also don’t think she has much of a future in politics outside of that specific district

  2. Mixed, but overall I like her. She’s not influential within the Democratic party at all, she’s unlikely to ever lead any sort of policy push, and sometimes she can be needlessly antagonistic. However, at the same time I think she fits a good role that is needed in government where people should be championing left-wing ideas and she is very social media savvy which are rare traits within the Democratic party.

  3. In my opinion she seems more of a want to be Instagram star. If the people in her district are happy that’s all that matters. Edit…:. Simps assemble.

  4. Putting aside her politics, I really liked her documenting her first 6-12 months in all the things a new House member has to do. We’ve had some former House members pull back the curtains a bit, but usually only after they’ve left the House. I also really appreciate that she’s using a all-of-the-above method to reach out to constituents and to the general public. She’s been on Twitch live streams, visited islands in Animal Crossing. For a public figure, she seems to be trying hard to generally be pretty accessible.

  5. I think she’s a force for good, for now. She’s young and hasn’t overstayed her welcome, and she does what her district wants her to.

  6. /popcorn

    Really though, she’s a House member in a safe district whose national viability is exaggerated.

  7. Outside of her district, she’s a nobody politically. She has no major allies or backers, aside from a media that constantly likes to feature her because she gets clicks and sells papers.

  8. GOP and MAGA hate her, which gives her much more power and influence than she would otherwise have, and she seems to leverage it well.

  9. I think she’s a breath of fresh air! I’m so sick of politics as usual and I welcome and cheer her success

  10. Started as seemingly a break from the norm of typical government morass. Seems to be losing those morals the longer she’s in government. Lately she hits me as the same as most other democrats, albeit with a much larger megaphone

  11. I have an instinctual distaste for pop culture, and she seems to be at that forefront as a political figure. Trendy.

    So that was my first impression, fluff. But, I have been listening to what she has to say, and I am liking her more and more. There is more substance than I thought. She is smart. She works hard. She fires back rather than letting GOP and some establishment Dems make unchallenged b.s. statements.

  12. Needlessly antagonistic and represents a brand of progressivism that often seeks purity over progress. Overall not harmful though, she’s never going higher than that seat unless she moderates.

  13. I find her far too left wing for my taste and thing her unwillingness to compromise and work with others even within her own party is bad. (I think everybody with that unwillingness to compromise is also bad)

  14. I’m not a fan of her politics. I think she is quite radical in a lot of her views. Apart from that, she is more of an influencer than a politician.

  15. She’s the definition of a champagne socialist. She talks big about equity, equality, and wealth distribution after growing up in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods on earth, and still attends the most elite high-society events. She also has a narcissistic desire to make everything about her. She acts like this valiant outside force ready to change congress but she makes the same lies and manipulations as all the rest.

    And that’s before we even get to her absurd policy ideas, which include demolishing every building in the country to rebuild more energy efficient.

    It boggles my mind how people can be fooled by someone so transparently dishonest. You get the best government you deserve I guess.

  16. Not a fan tbh. Anyone who responds to legit criticism with “you’re just criticizing me because you want to be with me but you can’t” is someone I just can’t get behind.

  17. Can’t stand her as a politician.

    I’m sure as a person I could hang with her though, she’d just be one of those people I don’t talk politics with.

    Nothing but respect for her getting to where she is.

  18. There’s 435 members of the House.
    We usually only know the Speaker, a few major players, and who is the biggest crazy/criminal/imbecile right now.
    The other 425 may as well be NPCs outside of their home districts/states.

    I think it’s great that she’s managed to become known without bringing snowballs or handguns into the Capitol building, screwing an intern, or accepting bribes from undercover agents. I hope she manages to last long enough to get some useful committee appointments.

  19. Personal opinion aside – despite how loud/popular she appears, she was actually listed as one of the least effective members of Congress.

  20. There are some things we agree on but sometimes I feel she is too far left. I can see her running for president in my lifetime.

  21. I disagree with her political views but nothing more than that. I will say that I am tired of politicians claiming a group of people. Such as, all latinos agree with me when we all don’t. Other than that I dont really care she’s not my rep. Not to say mines any better however

  22. I think she just represents the faction of progressives whose motto seems to be “let perfect be the enemy of good”. It is good for social media and for your hardcore supporters to be unflinching in your convictions and never give any room to the opposition, but when it comes to actually legislating in a country with 330+ million people that have a wide array of views, it’s not productive in the slightest.

    For all of her griping about moderates and bipartisan compromisers, they’re the ones who have gotten stuff done in the congress. Pelosi & Hoyer & Schumer may catch shit or not be as popular on twitter, but they’re the ones making sure legislation gets passed and actually crafting bills. AOC is very good at getting her base excited and trending on social media, but unless that turns into actual progress on legislation it’s effectively meaningless

  23. TLDR: she’s a hack, but a really good one.

    Her mastery of media influence, ability to create a narrative, and showmanship far outstrip her actual ability and capabilities as a politician. See: her fake handcuffs thing. She’s very gimmicky and at least from my pov seems to be LARPing Castro but from the safety of America where she can pretend to be a socialist but reap the benefits of a western capitalist state.

  24. She represent her constituents. I don’t think she can win much beyond that. Some issues I agree and others I do not. Publicly, she is a divisive figure.

  25. She is a shining example of why I am growing more and more disillusioned with politics.

    She and I should be on the same side, but it’s becoming increasingly hard to get elected as a liberal progressive politician without being part of an ideological paradigm that I find hard to swallow.

  26. She’s on the extreme end of the political spectrum, while I respect many of her views she definitely seems out of touch on a lot of issues. I’m not a fan of extremism on either side. While her passion is admirable sometimes it comes off as being hard headed and ignorant.

  27. Of little value/ does more harm than good.

    She tried create this thing called Green New Deal. Sounds good in theory, pro environment. Except it was a bill of just a few pages that advocated for 100% renewable energy by 2030 with no natural gas Or and this is the big one. No Nuclear. It doesn’t take a genius to tell you that this would be impossible.

    It was also estimated to cost up to $93 trillion https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-25/group-sees-ocasio-cortez-s-green-new-deal-costing-93-trillion

    Now this was from a Republcin think tank but even low end estimates had this costing in the tens of trillions of dollars. All for a hairbrained bill. Of course it went off to senate and recieved 0 votes. That’s right zero votes. Even among the Democrats (which is her own party) all she did was waste time on a bill that was so outlandish that it not only wasted time that could have been spent on more productive legislation. But it also helped to create a negative reception to spending on green technology as it became associated with bankrupting the nation.

    The lack of nuclear was perplexing. This is currently the world’s best option to fight climate change and currently makes up approx. 20% of the U.S power grid. If anything it should be expanded. Instead this bill called for no Nuclear power by 2030. Profoundly ignorant of what would be most efficient. U.S currently operates the most amount of nuclear reactors in the world for reference. Replacing then with renewable which is also not as reliable, along with every other source is simply not viable.

    If someone had tried to pass more limited bill for increased spending for reneable/nuclear than it likely would have had a good chance of being passed. But with such and outlandish proposal that recieved 0 votes AOC did more harm than good by wasting everyone’s time, and helped to establish a partisan environment on regards to environmental spending. Some will argue that she helped to create a discussion. But that’s ridiculous. The discussion was already being had. All she did was add in a bad take that likely did more harm than good for future climate legislation. All in all she is not the kind of politican any sort of country should want. And ultimately we can do far better.

  28. Overly aggressive, misinformed on certain topics, sometimes all talk and no action. But she stands for her morals firmly, and does a good job representing the views of **her** district, which I admire. I would admire her bravado and views a lot more if she became less progressive and less of a virtue signaller though.

  29. I wish we would get away from elected officials like her, the rest of The Squad, MTG, Lauren Boebert, and even Donald Trump.

    They all seem less interested in governing and far more interested in generating clicks for themselves. They’re more social media influencers than actual politicians and accomplish as much on the political stage as your favorite Instagram “model”.

  30. She is extremely uninformed and the few times an interview has actually pressed her the results were actually difficult to watch. She is completely babied by the press. If you gave me a chance to ask her 3 questions without handlers and editing I could probably end her career.

    She was recruited to be the face of a socialist think tank that used to go to the bar she was working at. All her notable quotes are things the guy who was operating that tanks had published in years prior. She is a manufactured politician (which isn’t that uncommon, but her lack of any experience is disturbing).

    She lies about her early life to win votes, pretending to be from a difficult background when she was actually extremely privileged. This is a matter of public record, she was born in a rough neighborhood, but by the time she could speak she lived in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world and one of the best school districts in the country in an upper-middle class family. Her whole bent is division and accusing people of being oppressor. She even said she wasn’t sure about marrying her fiance because he is white. She actually said she wasn’t sure an interracial relationship was a good idea… Just imagine a white guy saying that.

    Also her beliefs are just laughable. Socialism is stupid and doesn’t work. Her platforms are all for the purposes of points scoring for a broader agenda instead of benefiting her constituents. She did a big victory lap after driving Amazon out of New York city under the guise that they were “stealing money” from the city, showing she doesn’t understand that tax credits is not the government giving a company money.

    She is a phony, which is normal but she is just egregious. Her little crying performance at the border when Trump was in office giving way to her never talking about the border again once Biden won even though conditions there are much worse now. Her crying poor and saying she could not afford a first and last month’s rent in expectation of her 120k a year base salary as if that is problem with the country and not with her ability to handle money.

    Anyway, she is dope with bad policy stances and just exists to make the country worse. So hopefully her limited career wraps up soon and we can be done with her.

  31. Well, I certainly would not vote for her.

    In all her years she has only introduced about 20 bills and none of them have ever passed. She is the very exemplar of the stereotype of the congressperson mooching off public funds.

    I guess she represents something ideologically to her constituents in a world in which style matters over substance.

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