First time poster, long time lurker, throwaway because well you know why

Okay so my husband (m28) and I (f22) currently live in a small 2 bedroom apartment with our 3 bio children (11 mos, 1 yr 11 mos, & 3 yo) and we have ss (11yo) EOW, holidays, etc. We pay rent and electric and that is all and it is VERY cheap. It’s not ideal but it works. I work part time and he currently stays home with our children. With my job we live paycheck to paycheck with very little wiggle room after paying bills and getting groceries etc. but i love my job and it has truly made me feel like a person again after having my babies.

Here’s where our problem comes in, he wants to move 30 mins away to his hometown because he knows everyone and says he feels out of place where we are currently, and that moving there would help his mental health, that he doesn’t know anyone here and knows everybody there and feels like he’s alone where we are currently. But yet i don’t know anyone there, and i have no family there (my family lives the next town over now and we hardly make time to see them) and i feel like I’d be unable to make friends that were my own friends because he knows so many people, I want us to have friends that neither of us have history with, and moving would ultimately mean having to quit my job since we’ve got one vehicle currently.

That aside, the issue is that if we move we’d be paying ALL utilities on top of a 100% increase in rent, he says he’d be willing able to work a job that pays better so it would get taken care of. I am extremely hesitant because I am afraid that if he can’t get a job right away and we go ahead and move that we’d not be able to afford it which would obviously lead to eviction and i absolutely am not willing to risk that with our babies. He says that it’s messed up that i don’t “trust” him, but it’s not about trust. Am I being unreasonable or selfish??

1 comment
  1. If it’s only 30 minutes away, why can’t he look for and get a job there *now* and ensure that he can before you all move to a higher cost place that you can’t currently afford?

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