This girls friend said if i asked this girl out she would say yes, i thought about it for weeks and finally I asked the girl out and said I wanted to get to know her more (because she said shes always busy and she said texting was boring) she said no because she just got out of a relationship
That night she texted me thank you for going to the event she hosted. At this point I got off my phone and was processing and moving on. Two days later I said “you are welcome” she posted on her socails alot in the span of 3 days I didint look at them but I saw she was active. 3 days later she texted again and said she wanted to be nothing more then friends. I don’t play games so this was kinda strange to me, but idk if her rejecting me twice was all part of her game or if it was just adding salt to the wound. Should I just tell her “ok”? Not respond? Or try and act cool? Trying to act cool would be acting like the double rejection didint upset and if i did that, I wouldn’t be staying true to myself. I’m confused why she rejected me twice, it upsets me because I feel like my attention was the main motivator behind her talking to me in the first place.

1 comment
  1. At this point – no need to respond. Move on. Don’t engage with her on any of her Social Media stuff.

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