If your wife repeatedly asked you to shave, always hated beards, and said she didn’t find them attractive on numerous occasions, would you continue to grow one and go unshaven (more than 6 months) regardless of her feelings and requests for you to shave? Why or why not?

  1. My wife has to look at me more than literally any other person on this planet, and that includes myself.

    Short of excessive work or discomfort, I’ll defer to her on how I present myself almost all the time.

  2. In the past I would have deferred to my wife. She was the only person I wanted to look good for and as long as she was happy I’d be happy.

    Years later when she’s retreated from any kind of romance or physical intimacy in the relationship, I do what I want regarding my physical appearance.

  3. My husband will not grow a beard after he retires from military, because he knows I don’t like them. I don’t even like to kiss him when he hasn’t shaved over the weekend. I’d like to think we defer to each other on presentability preferences.

  4. Context missing. Did he always have the beard, did he have it when she married him? A lot of guys love their beards. Reverse it. Suppose you meet a woman and she has long hair. Spent a long time nurturing and taking care of it. And the guy comes along and says I hate long hair, cut it off. How would that make the woman feel?

  5. Last February, I started growing my beard out. June rolls around and my wife asked me to shave. By July, she was asking me to grow it back out.

  6. Depends. If she got a haircut she really liked and you told her you hated it so much that it’d be better if she shaved it off, would she give you the silent treatment for a week? Does she meet your desires when it comes to her appearance? If she does, by all means, shave it off. If you’d be the bad guy for telling her to lose weight or cut her hair or whatever else, grow it a foot long.

  7. If your husband said he hated shorter, more manageable hairstyles, and instead wanted it long to the waist, would you continue to get it cut like you like?

  8. I like to shave every 2-4 days. After 15 years of marriage, my wife said she likes the feel of me unshaven, and also worries about my skin when I shave.

    For a few years now, I have been keeping a light beard, and when I shave it off, it’s buzzed, not shaven.

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