If you preferred if guests didn’t wear white, how would you handle the situation?

  1. Assuming you’re the bride… I would let it go. This is a situation where everyone is watching, everyone will remember how you behave. So choose to behave with dignity and grace. The person wearing white will look petty and rude. Everyone knows who the bride is. Put your chin up and act like you don’t care!

  2. Would not give a shit. Folks are too tight-ass about wedding bullshit. No one is going to remember anyone’s wedding for life.

  3. If it was someone elses wedding then I wouldn’t say anything. It’s common sense not to wear white, so they’re clearly doing it for a petty reason and I’m not going to feed into them. I witnessed this happen at my future brother in-laws wedding last year. His wife’s cousin wore a white dress and everyone knew she was doing it to get attention. Regardless, nobody said anything about it to her. Pretty sure she just got some dirty looks.

    However, if it was my wedding I’d just laugh. Nobody in my family or my fiance’s family would do anything out of spite – they’d only do it to be funny. And if anyone is going to be wearing white, it would either be one of my uncles, or one of my fiance’s uncles. They’re both those hilarious uncles that like to overstep and have a twisted sense of humour – pretty sure most families have one of these relatives. I’d find it brilliant if one of them did that. In fact, I’m kind of counting on it.

  4. There are two levels here for me. The first recognizes that this is a Thing of which to be aware; that the person committed this faux pas says something about them (even if it’s just that they’re ignorant of this “rule”.) The second is that I personally don’t give a damn. So, I simultaneously would not care, but also go, “Hmmm,” about the person.

  5. I would not care.

    It’s not like people will give that person the same attention as the bride for wearing white. Plus, everyone is allowed to look great on your wedding day. And I am a shy person, so I don’t know if I would care if someone else overshadows me.

  6. There’s nothing to be done. Keep living your best life. Somebody’s choice of outfit shouldn’t knock you off your square.

  7. I got married last week and wore a red and a white dress (evening). I can tell you I literally did not notice what anyone else was wearing, everyone just looked lovely. Plus it’s not like anyone attending wouldn’t recognize me or mistake me for another woman, I walked down the aisle duh? Anyway it’s only looking at photos that I see some people wore red and it’s still obvious they’re a guest, it’s really nbd.

  8. It’s a color. People are allowed to wear colors. It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

  9. Ignore it if they are already there. There’s no point in making drama about it at the wedding itself. I wouldn’t let someone else’s choice to be tacky bother me at my wedding.

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