What is the first political scandal that you remember?

  1. I didn’t really care for politics till I was 18 and that’s when Trump was running for president and I think the first scandal was the Russia collusion shit or the Stormy Daniels stuff lol i don’t remember much of Bush’s presidency (except the shoe) and I was a child during Obama’s so i didn’t give a shit if he did anything lol plus i don’t think he had any actual scandals

  2. Iran-Contra. I was a teenager in the final years of the Reagan administration, and a bit of a news junkie. I think Reagan is way overrated, but I now understand his appeal. What the U.S. did in Central America in funding right wing “freedom fighters” is one reason why the U.S. is looked at askew by some. The President should have paid a price, but the scandal was just too complex and really didn’t affect most Americans directly. Oliver North didn’t impress me be the image of him giving testimony in his uniform certainly had no downside.

  3. Reagan paying Iran to hold Americans hostage.

    Though that theory at the time was crackpot conspiracy theory, later proven true.

  4. I recall that the superintendent of the school district I went to, who happened to be my principal in middle school for whom I had great fondness, got caught in a big scandal though I don’t remember for the life of me what it was about. I believe it was financial in nature. Anyway, that’s when I first learned that trusted public figures aren’t always all that trustworthy.

  5. Not sure if this count as a political scandal but I remember late in Obama’s 2nd term the Russian sent a jet to fly directly over a US navy ship as maybe some weird form of provocation or dominance. I remember hearing conservatives say Obama was weak for not having the navy ship fire at the Russian aircraft.

  6. Gotta be the Lewinsky scandal. I was very young, and I had gotten into trouble for lying, as kids do. So when my timeout was over, I promised not to lie again like the president did. I have no idea how little tiny me was aware of current events, but all I knew was that the president had gotten in trouble for lying lol

  7. 🍿 I’m just here for the conspiracy theories and propaganda. REDDIT don’t fail me now!

  8. The Soviet coup in 1991. I mostly just remember Gorbachev standing on the tank with Yeltsin. I asked my mom what was going on and she briefly described what’s coup was and what was going on.

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