Not a legal adult but like an actual grown up. I need an exact number

  1. It’s not an exact number. It’s the point in your life where, instead of relying on other people to get by, other people are relying on you.

  2. I don’t think there is a number. There are 40+ year old guys living in their parents basements these days.

    I think you are grown up when you are finished post secondary (or school in general), have a full time job and are settled in your own place.

    If you are dependent in life on someone else you are not grown up.

  3. There isn’t a set number, some folks maybe be legally an adult but have the maturity of a teenager

  4. Being a grown up is realising there is no exact number and that the right here and now is the only good time to grow up and take responsibility.

  5. Technically it’ll be about 24 bc that’s when a male is fully developed but in terms of maturity and how responsible that person is that’s a different story. You could be 17 and way more grown up than say a 26 year old that still lives with their parents. And with that I mean the 17 year old could be responsible, always does their chores, has kept a job and also pays for their own stuff. The 26 year old how ever is “looking” for a job but doesn’t actually try to find a job just tells his parents that, is really lazy, and just plays video games all day. Nothing wrong with video games but there’s truly better shit to do for majority of the day

  6. For me, 21. I made a big career decision and didn’t ask for permission. I sought advice, i researched and ultimately made a choice. I guess when you start accepting responsibility for your choices?

  7. Most people are grown up in their late 20s, some late bloomers in their 30s. There are always outliers who either matured way earlier or way later.

  8. When you start paying ALL your own bills!! No living with Mama and just paying your car payment, insurance, & gas don’t cut it.

  9. You reach stage one of adulthood when you are self-sufficient and responsible for yourself.

    You reach the second stage of adulthood when you are responsible for someone else, and they depend on you.

  10. I say it’s when you from 1 year in the future matters just as much as you in the present.

    You can be well into middle age but if you’re still just living weekend to weekend, pursing that next dopamine hit, are you really grown?

  11. Jimmy Buffett said I’m growing older not up. I don’t think you have to “grow up” all the way, you don’t have to be the middle aged guy that can’t laugh, hates his wife, and is irritable.

  12. Self-sufficiency was the point where I felt like a grown up. I was 23. That point can be different for many people.

  13. Early twenties, it was a different generation then as a young Boomer. By the time I was 21 I had a wife, a newborn and a mortgage. Had to grow up in a hurry.

  14. Any number you get will actually not be correct, for growing up isn’t measured in linear time. It is measured in experiences

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