There’s this girl I know who has an amazing personality, kind heart, and great family. By no means is she ugly, but I’m just not immediately attracted to her physically. Would it be a bad idea to pursue this?

  1. I don’t know. I am not the person experiencing that attractive personality, nor do I have i values of worth, personal growth, inter-personal skills and communication identical to yours.
    I would most certainly appreciate an intelligent, grounded individual and would appreciate the time to interact with that person on a regular basis.

    I have not the foggiest idea what you are going to do.

  2. When you say not immediately attracted to her, do you mean initially you did not find her attractive and now you do? Or you never have?

    Relationships are by no means reliant on looks, but I do think you need to ensure the attraction or sexual spark is there.

  3. Physical attraction definitely plays a big role. However, a person can get attracted to another person’s qualities as well leading to an overall attraction for the person.
    Probably, give it a shot?

  4. In my experience it was a very bad idea. I was in a relationship a couple of years with a former friend.
    I was very attracted to her personality and we got along really well but my problem was I wasn’t physically attracted to her so we hardly ever had sex. She ended up cheating on me. I didn’t blame her.

  5. I’d be absolutely crushed if I found out someone I dated didn’t find me physically attractive. Can’t imagine a worse blow to my confidence, I would honestly probably consider it more disrespectful and hurtful than someone just straight up calling me ugly to my face.

    And if you already feel this way about her, you’re probably not gonna end up happy with her in the long run either. For both her and your own sake, don’t.

  6. I tried it once but I just couldn’t do it and I think it hurt her more than just avoiding it altogether could have. I didn’t tell her outright why I couldn’t do it but I’m pretty sure she knew.

  7. Idk really, I’d say let her off easy and say you just want to be friends. I matched with a woman on Bumble and we’ve been talking and so far she seems cool and we have some things common but I don’t really find her physically attractive. I’d see more of a friendship with her if anything.

  8. Don’t do it, I literally just tried it two weeks ago and now I feel so shitty about myself, I need a break from dating again.

    Love is a weird thing, you gotta find a partner where both of your heads are aroused in their presence.

  9. Well, I recently went on a date with someone who I didn’t initially find to be conventionally attractive. But after the date and after getting to know him, his beautiful personality made him beautiful to me. I think he is gorgeous now and I am so incredibly attracted to him. Like, insanely attracted to him.

  10. Are you repulsed? Does the idea of having sex with her gross you out? If so I’d pass. Otherwise I’d expect that you could possibly become attracted to her.

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