I’ve gone these past few years with minimal in person social interaction with other people.

I’m at the end of my sanity and possibly the end of my life.

I was not built for this life nor was I prepared to even be a fucking human.

I’m intensely craving for social interaction that I still remember a chat I had with a dude at the library from way back.

My friend is super busy and I only went out with her once this year. In her defense, she is super busy so I respect her a lot in her endeavors and I don’t want to bug her all the time.

I struggle to find friends as good as my friend. I often get rude remarks on little things I cannot control and it kills me a little every time. I just don’t think I’m an people’s person, like I was just born to not be interacted with.

  1. Find something you enjoy! be weird who cares just go live you’re life. You’ve only got one don’t waste it waiting on others approval. Just live

  2. Think of things you like doing and join a club or a meetup group. Humans are meant to be social, but a lot of people develop your problem. Don’t be too hard on yourself and take baby steps.

  3. Sounds like you would benefit a lot from learning to be a good friend to yourself. I hope I’m not coming across rude. I legitimately believe that this is important. I’m not trying to insult you. Writing in a journal, asking yourself questions and then answering them might seem kind of silly, but if you really listen to your own thoughts, you will discover important things about yourself. This is just one way you can be a better friend to yourself. You deserve nothing less than absolute, unconditional love. I’m glad you posted this. You gave me an opportunity to interact with you and I’m grateful for it.

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