Hi all, I feel like I’m a bit lost on this online dating. I have been at it for two years without much luck. I get connected with girls that are talking to multiple guys, or just don’t seem interesting to me. I’m dead serious in settling down, but super frustrated that this hasnt worked out yet. All my friends either have GFs or are in relationships. I personally feel like I need a break — but ever since I can remember I’m always there talking to someone on the “Apps” part of me needs a break, but then I always get afraid that I’ll be super behind as I already feel like I’m at the age of 32. I feel like, there’s not a single moment where I’m like at peace because of trying to find a companion and this feeling has definitely intensified as days pass. definitely didn’t feel like this when I was younger. I would love to meet someone who’s on the same wavelength, can have continuous conversations without me needing to chase. Does anyone feel like this? Feel like I’m hitting a rock wall.

1 comment
  1. Do you rely solely on apps? You said you have friends with girlfriends? Do you try to meet anyone through them? I bet their girlfriends have friends. Invite some people over to your place this weekend.

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