Are you proud of yourself? if not, what would it take?

  1. I dont tent to feel proud of myself until I have the life I always wanted. Untill then, I bully myself to get stronger.

  2. i’m proud of myself but it’s really weird to just list it to people. I don’t think a lot of people would understand the accomplishments I made or understand the magnitude it took to reach the particular goal(s) i needed.

    also, I’m not one to rest on my laurels, so I’m constantly trying to progress more and more in life, incrementally, when appropriate.

  3. Pride? I prefer the term honor because it leaves the vice found in pride (as in self importance). But I feel honor in my ability to keep going when things are hard. Like working on my relationship with my gf when we’re arguing, working on what God wants me to do even when I don’t, or continuing to work despite the physical pain

  4. I don’t know about pride, but I have a sense of fulfillment. I have achieved things. I have progressed in my life.

  5. I’ve proven myself the love I have for myself this very year. I’ve given myself a chance to recap on my own personality in a way that it would benefit me as much as it would benefit those closest around me. It was vice versa up until I’ve leveled those things out, and I couldn’t be happier of the progress I’ve made and the things I’ve created for myself in the recent time

  6. to make you proud of yourself I am proud of myself for many things, but there is always room for improvement. To make myself proud, I would need to continue working hard and pushing myself to be the best that I can be.

  7. to make you proud of yourself There is no universal answer to this question, as everyone has different standards for what they deem as worthy of pride. However, in general, people tend to feel proud of themselves when they have accomplished something difficult, or when they have helped others in some way.

  8. I’m proud of myself for what I’m able to do on my own yet at the same time, I know that I could be doing better so I’m also not

  9. i’m proud of myself today because i faced a fear even though i had high anxiety

    otherwise, no, i’m not usually proud of myself

  10. I’ve been sober for 11 months and I quit cold turkey and I did it all by myself and anyone that knows me knows that that’s a huge accomplishment for me, so you’re damn right I’m proud of myself.

  11. I’m pretty proud of myself. I have a huge amount of imposter syndrome but I have lost a lot of weight and am currently being amazing at my job which is directly helping people. On top of this I have a loving partner who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. I say all this not to brag but to explain something.

    Before the last few years I hated myself and my life and genuinely considered ending my life. If it wasn’t for the loss of my brother I would have but I know what that does to family members so couldn’t do it. Anyway I hated myself and strive towards the belief of needing a white picket fence, 2.6 kids and a good job. I have none of these things. Striving towards these things made me upset and worse and never actually helped me.

    When I met my partner I finally realised that I didn’t need any of that shit. Kids would have caused me to end myself, I don’t want a white picket fence because I have a nice enough house with enough space and we own it. It’s in a shitty area but my wife lives it and that’s enough for me. I don’t have a wel paying job. Instead I have a job where my soul is refreshed every day and every day I love getting up and going to work.

    Realising what I actually wanted was the best thing that ever happened to me and I have never been happier. Don’t take what everyone says should be success and measure yourself by it. Find your own measures that you truly care about and reach those instead.

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

  12. No – but not because I think I’m human garbage…I just don’t think about myself in general. I exist. I do things…pride in myself doesn’t seem important or relevant. Same with people talking about “loving one’s self” … I don’t love me. I don’t hate me. I don’t worry about it either way. Its a non issue beyond the occasional sense of accomplishment if I do something to change someone else’s day. Other than that? Big shrug 🙂

    I either have a goal and am working toward accomplishing it or I’m not. Once achieved it’s on to the next goal…it’s never occurred to me to bask in the success of one until earlier this year when my social sphere started talking about self pride/love etc. completely foreign concept to me up to that point.

  13. Hell, no. I’m something like 20 finished novels (or equivalent achievements) behind where I’d have to be for pride in myself.

  14. No, and without being a fundamentally different person there’s nothing that would get the job done.

  15. I am not necessarily proud of who I am as of right now, but I am working every day to get there. I think my problem is I have always been held to a high standard by my parents and now I hold myself to a high and at times unrealistic standard and I just feel disappointed when I don’t accomplish everything that it is I wanted. But however truthfully I do feel that I have done overwhelmingly good things in my life and that is something to be happy about

  16. I am proud of myself. I am wildly imperfect with many demons I wrestle with daily, and yet when I go to work or out in my community, people look to me for leadership. I don’t have a fancy title or authority but people specifically choose me to put their hopes into.

    I don’t deserve it but I do the very best I can with those dreams and ideas.

  17. No, not at all tbh.

    I fell into the “keeping up with…” track and (with the encouragement of my parents) didn’t follow my passion / take risks.

    Now, I’m just a corporate America drone and idk how to escape.

  18. No. I have never felt proud of anything in my entire life. I have never honestly had anything to be proud about.

    I’ve done things and *accomplished* shit other people have been proud of me for and that other people have felt proud of doing themselves. But I never experienced any positive emotions from any of it. Unless of course you count relief from being done something so you don’t have to put up with it anymore. But that’s hardly pride.

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