This guy told me that he told this woman he was not attracted to her but still continued to have intercourse with her and spend time together. Then I started to think, do guys do this often? Why? Why not just be with someone your attracted to?

  1. I don’t know. Attraction is weird. I’ve had partners I didn’t care for very much but we had great sex. So we kept it up. Beyond that, sex is fun. It’s affirming. It’s good exercise! I’ve never slept with somebody that was repulsed by but I’ve slept with women that I wasn’t any more attracted to than any other. Why? It’s fun!

  2. Tons of guys do that, so they don’t catch feelings….so they last longer in bed…..power of knowing a chick still will give her self up to be used….I don’t believe in those behaviors but it literally is main reasons guys do it….ps chick’s are 100% guilty of the exact same thing.

  3. to gain Experience and Performance in Bed because evey Men know, woman don’t want a Inexperienced or Virgin Men in Bed

  4. Same reason women do. Having the power to walk away without feeling a loss while still having a bit of fun.

  5. Because we’ve got to take what we can get, we don’t have as many options as women do

  6. I have looked back (in recognition of how my tastes have changed) and not found people sexy; I have never slept with someone I didn’t find hot and never would. Maybe it’s because I’m gay, or life’s too short, but there’s so many people to fuck or love or linger with that are beautiful and sexy and captivating…why would I not engage with them and have sex with people I’m not into?

  7. Men are almost never hit on by women…. they have a harder time essentially finding sexual partners. Been my experience as a man for the last 21 years(I didn’t considered myself officially a young man until I turned 19, I got my first real job and lost my v-card.) Yes I am 40 and it sucks being a single man . Especially if you are more intimidating in the face. I have resting angry look, I smile, sometimes people get scared and run. Women don’t approach guys like me most of the time. I am just a friendly guy at heart but I know that I scare people… So I try hitting on girls that scare other men… some are unattractive. The Unattractive girls are usaully at the point of not giving a f**k themselves so will sleep with me for the hell of it. The other is the Super Attractive girls who think you can protect them from the harshness of the world. They are afraid of the world more then of me and seek out that security. The difference is the Unnatractive girls generally are easier to find and get.

  8. One time a fwb she said to me i was attractive enough to fuck but not attractive to be her boyfriend or her friends know about me so we then fucked and then she left and i bloked her on everything

  9. Now, there has to be some level of attraction or it’s simply not possible, but what I can think of are these 4 things

    1. Women that are less attractive are more likely to want to sleep with you, because they have less options (this is what we think, but it’s probably the opposite) and you’re desperate, you’re lowering your standards
    2. The 10’s are taken and in general are very hard to pursue/connect with in comparison, especially if you put them on a pedestal
    3. You wont have to be insecure or anxious about being perfect
    4. You wont catch feelings, or so you thought

    Also, there is a very competitive world out there for men dating, it’s not the same as it is for women, the women are the choosers (Yes, I’m talking about the 10000 vs 1 ratio on dating apps OR hookup apps (even worse) for example)..

  10. The answer is simple: it’s not always easy for a man to find someone attractive in a short time frame. This leaves you either with the option of a long dry spell, or reducing your standards a little to find a partner quicker.

    Having sex with someone I’m less attracted to is better than no sex at all. I’m sure it’s the same for women.

  11. Sometimes the sex is good even if the chemistry isn’t there.
    I’ve dated girls I’m not attracted to because the sex has been great and we’ve got along as friends well enough.
    Not every relationship has to end In kids and marriage

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