In my country, these are considered to be luxury and seeing a Range Rover is rare.I’ve seen Americans on the internet claim that these cars are very common in their country.Is that true?

  1. Pretty common yeah. I mean they’re expensive so not everyone has them, but they aren’t like the rarest thing

  2. In upper-middle and upper income urban areas, pretty common. Rural areas, not very common. You’ll find older models in lower income areas where people want to flash their money/make a pretense of having more money than they actually do.

  3. You see them but they aren’t like the Ford, Chevy, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Volkswagen, GMC, Dodge, Nissan, Buick that you see everywhere.

  4. They’re around, you see more expensive cars in more expensive neighborhoods. They aren’t really anything that makes me go “oh wow look at that car”

  5. Not in my neck of the woods. You see the occasional land rover or merc but teslas are more common.

  6. They are luxury vehicles here, too. Not uncommon to see, but not the kind of vehicle most can afford.

  7. In the rural area where I used to live, they were not common. However, these are very common in the city where I live now. I’m always surprised by how many high-end cars I see here. For example, I never saw a Maserati before moving here, and now I see them all the time

  8. They are a luxury, but many Americans are wealthy enough to have them. You will find plenty if you go looking in wealthy cities and neighborhoods.

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