As a guy who’s never had any form of intimacy, suffer with self esteem issues and poor body image,

I spoke to a beautiful girl which I thought was wayyyyy beyond my league. Going beyond her looks I got to know her for a couple of hours at a social event.

For the first time in my life, I grew a pair and I asked someone out. She replied with “It’s about time, I was waiting for you to” I didn’t know if you wanted to!” To say the least it was really unexpected and that night we got pretty intimate.

Very early days, but if I, a nerd who spends most of his time reading, doing math and playing chess can find a beautiful woman that appreciates me for who I am that wants to go on a date……then so can you guys.

You don’t know your worth until you try. And even if it doesn’t work, you’ve learnt some strong lessons in life that you can use for ahead.

  1. Good for you, great job! You never know what somebody else may be attracted to. Honestly, as a woman, I’m not unattractive myself and I think interests in both chess and math would be a huge plus for me on a person’s dating resume. It’s super attractive when someone has interests beyond consuming popular media. Don’t talk down on yourself, for you don’t know whether your love interest will.

  2. > I got to know her for a couple of hours at a social event

    That’s a good indicator. If you hit it off and keep talking, it’s more likely that they’d be interested.

  3. Heck yeah, man! Getting out of the comfort zone is the best way to make connections (as obvious as that sounds). Definitely need to do this myself more often

  4. If she was “waiting” for you to ask her why couldn’t she just do it herself?

  5. I’m a nerd about music and my husband was nerdy about music too. I was instantly addicted to him from our first conversation where we talked for hours about our favorite composers and musical genres.

    A person who is themselves is the sexiest person.

  6. Ya I did that once at my work and she said she didn’t date coworkers and put me down nicely but then started to date another coworker lol

  7. Thanks for posting this, now get off Reddit your not allowed here anymore. /s

  8. Congratulations for being able to ask her out! It takes a lot to do it, im glad for you 🙂 i hope everything works out

  9. Good for you man, delighted you managed to get past your self esteem issues and ask her out. Its scary but rejection is part of life, can be a bummer but when they say yes its always worth it. Hope you have a great time getting to know her better and see where it all leads you

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