I’m planning to go to the UK for studying in the uni. I’m considering between going back to my country or living in the UK so I really want to know the cons of living in it.

  1. Prepare for paying a lot of tax and not receiving anything back. There’s a progressive tax system based on distribution.

  2. Why do people never say what country they from? Always “home country” etc – we not going to track you down with this info lol. This is relevant to the question for people to be able to answer.

  3. * Openly racist country.
    * Anti – Immigration, but this ties into the point above.
    * Failing public services e.g. police, healthcare.
    * High rent prices (lmao at thinking about buying a house).
    * Corrupt government.
    * Stupidly high cost of living because we’re a country of morons, see point 1.
    * High crime rate.
    * About to lose workers and possibly human rights
    * No right to protest


    I wouldn’t recommend it unless it’s a stand-out university.

  4. From working with people from different cultures and their complaints to me:

    * A lot of the UK’s social culture is based around alcohol. And it can be ‘wild’. If you go into a city centre on a Friday or Saturday night you can expect to see a lot of drunk people. Most of the time everyone is pretty happy, but there are sometimes fights.
    * Our public transport outside of the major cities is unreliable, expensive and infrequent.
    * It can be very difficult to get a doctors appointment. You basically have to ring at a certain time in the morning and be lucky to get an appointment before they all run out for the day.
    * The weather is pretty rubbish for most of the year (well, at least 6 months of it).

  5. Seeing your from America. You will be safe in uni not having to worry about someone bursting threw the doors to shoot up the place.

  6. You will find a very weary and beaten down working class who grow more and more disgruntled at how the elite in this country continue to rip the utter arse out of us. There’s barely any form of community left , not much leisure options unless you have plenty money. Enjoy the misery if you come lolllll

  7. How much money do you have? That is all you need to know. If you have plenty you will be fine, if you don’t you will find out just what this country has become.

  8. Why only downsides? If you only want to know downsides that suggests what you really want is to go back home and you’re trying to find more reasons to justify that decision so it doesn’t really matter what any of us say are downsides just do what you feel is right.

    For me the biggest downside is the excessively inflated house prices and that’s for pretty much everyone whose either having to pay rent or mortgage. It means we all have to work about a day longer each week.

  9. You’re going to get pretty biased and exaggerated responses here so I’d take everything with a pinch of salt. You’d be better off with more reliable sources which can be find via google.

  10. The rain might be a con if it rains more than your country. Also the food may or may not be better or worse than your country. The people are definitely either friendlier or less friendly or the same amount of friendly. Oh the Queen just died. If you are a fan of Queens and your country’s Queen is still alive that might be a con.

  11. Cons with a few pros

    – Alcohol – Most of our social lives revolve around alcohol. This means that you mostly have a good time all the time, but will also be skint and get hangovers.

    – Rain – It rains alot here but luckily we have alot of indoor places to visit, mostly these are pubs/bars/cinemas/social clubs/shopping centres/homes. When the weather is nice, we appreciate it more and are generally alot happier as a nation.

    – People – Most are friendly…as a generic rule northerners are friendlier than southerners. There are some racists/homophobic amongst other types of ignorant people..but it’s usually done subtly and most of the time no ill intent, just uneducated people. Oh and we have chavs here.

    – Public transport – Mostly unreliable and expensive. London underground is always crowded.

    – Places to visit – there are some absolutely stunning places to visit…lots of natural beauty/walks around different areas. The UK is unbelievably green, even in big cities you’ll usually find alot of green spaces

  12. Tax with no visible benefits, as a uni student no downside really. But depends where you’re going and what you like obviously .

  13. As someone who now lives in the US, but spent the first 28 years of my life in the UK:


    – Jobs often pay far less, and have far less interesting opportunities than in the US. Particularly in smaller towns towns cities. The cost of living to earnings ratio is whack, and keeps getting worse.

    – A real lack of affordable ‘major’ cities. If you’re from the US, Sheffield, Leeds, Bristol, and Glasgow might feel too small. They don’t have all the things you’re used to in a major city. London is amazing, but NYC levels of expensive without the NYC salaries. Manchester is probably the only sweet spot, but even that is getting unaffordable nowadays.

    – ‘Crabs in a bucket’ mentality, where people will often try to bring you down rather than support you. Constant negativity can drain you fast. Again, particularly prevelant in smaller towns and cities.


    – Incredible humour. Unmatched in the US and I miss it a lot. Especially in the workplace.

    – Paid annual leave. My old company in London offered 36 days. Unheard of here.

    – Mild weather is a massive plus for me.

    – You’re only a short (and cheap) flight away from Europe. Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Prague. Amazing for weekend getaways.

    I love the UK, but won’t be heading back because low salaries and high costs simply won’t let me live the same quality of life without inheriting money. And sadly my family are broke.

  14. The English command of the English language isn’t so great either, right brov 🤣🤣 Did you fink or put any fought into your answer ( put in British English so you would understand that )

  15. We do like to moan about things. But in reality, it’s a great place. Wonderful countryside, the rain does help keep it lush and green. We are very welcoming, and are very good at accommodating a variety of different cultures, the food reflects this.
    Free healthcare. Mostly safe, at least in the the smaller towns, and even the cities are fine, providing you take sensible precautions with your safety, as you would anywhere.
    The economy has of course become a nightmare, but that’s true all over the world right now, whining about it doesn’t help. Prices are high, housing is sparse, and expensive, but it’s not impossible to find somewhere reasonably affordable, as long as you can stay away from London.
    Things are not as catastrophic as some will tell you.

  16. Cost of living is very high in the U.K. – even very basic housing costs a fortune and make sure you get a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector because your landlord does not care about your safety- university fees for OS students are very high in the U.K. so unless there is a very specific course you need to do here I would look at courses in your home country – having said that there are some excellent uni courses and universities with amazing facilities and also some great places in terms of nightlife and sightseeing etc
    The jobs market here is a bit pants at the moment so unless you have a really specific skill set like STEM or tech or something around financial services maybe then it’s not easy to get well paid work

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