Talking to a new girl and we’re at the point where we’re taking about what the other likes. I mentioned that I enjoy giving oral but I don’t particularly care for receiving it. Her response was that she was great at it and that I would love it after we tried. Now I’m not opposed to giving it a shot at all, but it did make me curious if there were others like me. Is it rare not to enjoy blowjobs?

  1. I don’t like blowjobs. Feels about as good as sticking my dick into a cup of warm water. Honestly I don’t see how others find it pleasurable, but to answer your question, no, you’re not alone, because I don’t care for them either

  2. I’ve been with 2 men who didn’t want to be blown. One was just ultra self conscious about how he might smell/taste and the other had been attacked by a dog and had a big phobia of teeth down there. It happens

  3. Blowjobs feel okay to me. Like, I get enough stimulation to stay erect during them, but not enough to get anywhere close to cumming, even with people that were very experienced and good at blowjobs, though I think my girth makes it more difficult for people to give me a blowjob in the first place. I actually enjoy *giving* blowjobs/oral far more than receiving, to the point where I can actually get relatively close to cumming just from giving oral.

    So yeah, we are a rare bunch, but there are other people that don’t enjoy blowjobs even when the giver is skilled at it.

  4. you do not enjoy them? that’s vague.

    is there something about them that you are avoiding? or is there something about them that bothers you?

    it’s sweet that she wants to please you AND she is curious to learn about your intimacy. thats very healthy.

    there is also the possibility she would get off from it. as in some women have orgasms. or get aroused. or have compersion. from giving blowjobs.

  5. Skill definitely matters, some are great at it and some are not, maybe you just haven’t had a great experience with it yet? Or it’s just not your thing, which is fine too..

  6. Maybe she enjoys it immensely? Like I’ve had guys who didn’t care much for BJ’s and I’ve been the one begging to please let me do it anyway.

  7. Theyre fun, but Ive gotten off from a blowjob like….four times that I can remember? Out of some probably triple digit number as I havent been counting. Three of those were in pretty kinky situations. One time my lady at the time and I got stooooned and she let me “fuck her face”, still nothing. If the blowjob doesnt lead to sex then more often than not I would rather skip it

  8. Not into them I prefer HJs they’re totally underrated. I’m also submissive and prefer to give pleasure rather than receive tho so that’s a pretty strong disclaimer. But even besides that I truly do think HJs feel better for some reason. Plus I love that her mouth is free for alllll the dirty talk

  9. I haven’t orgasmed from a BJ in almost a quarter century. They feel fantastic but definitely don’t get me there, and I’ve had some partners put in some serious effort. I’m 99.9% sure the problem is on my end but I’m fine with it, don’t care if it’s weird or not.

  10. Until recently I didn’t enjoy blow jobs because I had never had one that was worth a damn. That’s unsurprising because the partners had phobias about semen and really didn’t want to do any oral at all, but would grudgingly do a minimal effort which was almost worse than nothing.

    In the last six months or so my wife has suddenly decided that it’s safe to give me 30 second blow jobs because then she won’t be in any danger of being poisoned by semen getting within 100 meters of her mouth. Her technique has evolved spectacularly over these months and her enthusiasm is ramping up as well. The duration has now increased by about 50% and the frequency is also up by 50%, from twice a day to three times. I’m hoping that at this pace within a year or two we may actually get there. For the brief amount of time that it happens it’s delightful. I can certainly imagine myself coming from this if it lasts long enough.

    This is such a breakthrough. I really thought I was going to go through my entire life without ever having an enthusiastic or worthwhile blow job. But now there is light at the end of the tunnel and we’re both having a good time getting there.

  11. Well, I like them, but I know this one guy who supposedly doesn’t. I suppose it’s fairly rare, yes.

  12. I love them but in all fairness I have had them from girls who has obsessions and/or lack of technique. Then get annoyed I won’t cum. It can sour the experience ALOT. So a guy nit liking them alot seems reasonable.

  13. I personally love a good suck off, but you’re actually the second man I’ve ever heard that doesn’t like blow jobs. So you’re not alone, lol.

  14. It’s on the rarer side but not unheard of. It sounds like you both enjoy giving more than receiving so that may get tricky but as long as you both honestly communicate, and don’t try to pressure one another into anything, you should be just fine. You’ve got this.

  15. I love them, if they’re done with any skill and intent.

    Short of that what I will say is I like anything that’s done with intent. Like if she’s just performing chores it can still be pleasurable, but whatever she likes doing l, for whatever reason… That’s what I’m going to dig.

  16. In my experiences its an issue of skill. When the woman (or whomever) that is giving one knows what they’re doing, it’s great. If they’re real bad, just ouch. But mostly I find they’re just ok.

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