How much money would make you content at this very moment?

  1. About 20K

    Enough to pay off debts, get a better car and stick up on groceries for a bit. Don’t really NEED more than that.

  2. Enough to buy a nice condo in full. Like $250,000. So no more rents or mortgages. Just the other bills. I’d have a lot of freedom to do what I actually love doing.

  3. 150,000 would let be debt free and have enough to start saving money without skipping necessities.

  4. $32 million. For my daughter, her university tuirion and a small starter home. For my ex-wife $5 million, what’s good for her is good for my daughter. And, I would buy a 30+ foot sailboat and sail from Alaska to Patagonia in spurts, coming back to have my daughter every other week. And, of course for special occasions, etc.

  5. Some millions would be nice. Just enough to pay all of my mom’s debts, buy her a nice place wherever she wants and some travels.

    Then I’d buy myself a nice car (not to show off, I’m a car enthusiast, so even if not a supercar or whatever, just a nice sporty car that I enjoy driving), a nice small house with a lot of lands around it to be alone, and I’ll go to travel around the world by my own, see the wonders if this world and meet a lot of people.

    And use the remaining money to have a passive income so my money doesn’t fade over time.

    Dunno if it would make me happy, but it would definitely make things better.

  6. If you can get a return of just 4% a year, $1m would give you a $40k/year income. That’s not too shabby, but it’s not quite enough either.

    Now, $15m at 4% would get you $600k / year, minus taxes and other withholdings would leave you approximately 365,836.50 per year. I could live VERY comfortably on that. Travel, see the world, not have to worry about any bills and STILL have $15m in the bank.

    So yeah, right around 15m would be perfect for me.

  7. $4 million. I figure that’s the amount that pays off the house ( almost no debt besides the mortgage) puts the kids through college for whatever/wherever, and leaves me enough to invest so I can live – modestly – on dividends. I’m not getting rich, but I’m not working again at my current position either.

  8. Shit man I’m a college student, if someone gave me $20 I’d be happy. But realistically I’d say 10k would be enough for me to add to my bank and double what I currently have so that I can actively work on my plans to move out and have my own apartment. I’m in a rough place right now living with my parents and I want to move out asap, but I don’t have enough saved up yet and I don’t want to have to struggle to pay bills or make ends meet

  9. I calculated it with a friend. 3 million Euros. I wouldn´t have to work, I wouldn´t live a luxurious life but I could affort my momentary lifestyle with the rusty car and my almost 100 year old small house. I don´t want more than that. It´s enough. I just don´t want to work because there are so many things I could do if I had time.

  10. Enough to pay off my house. As a formerly homeless person, it would be cool to have housing security like that.

  11. Bout 250k. Im in the market for a house and thatd be more than enough to find a good house in a good neighborhood, and still have plenty leftover to help cover the cost of bew furniture to fill the place and give me a decent finanial cushion after aettling in a new city

  12. Fuck, 10k would mean I’m debt free, able to buy some clothes that don’t have holes in them and maybe some new kitchen appliances. That’s all I need.

  13. Fifty to seventy five thousand would allow me to follow my dreams but even just a few thousand to pay down some bills would be nice

  14. I’ve learned that having the ability to make steady income far outweighs any lump sum.

    It carries all the advantages of the lump sum- without the “lottery curse” issues that plague most people who receive a cash windfall.

  15. Only the absolute minimum of surviving w/o working (for the rest of my life), i.e. 2 mill. in Swiss Francs would be ok

  16. Enough to pay for my wife to go through her RN program and float the expenses for our family in the meantime. After that, she and I can take care of the rest

  17. I make more than enough to be content. Unfortunately there are things outside of money that factor into it. That being said it’s nice not to have to worry about how to afford everything.

  18. 800 enough for my friends plane ticket.

    Sure i could do with more but you did say this very moment and not next month when it would be 10 trillion because with that money i’d fucking buy my country and do things for its people the government ain’t.

    1 rule though is no fucking off lead dogs those that are off lead will be shot on sight, cooked and fed to the owner.

  19. Honestly 50k would work, pay off the last bit of debt, help me brute force a good credit score, buy all the SHTF supplies I personally would need, a a motorcycle and a used U-Haul truck. Whatever left over I’d use on some straight bets for football or the super bowl and that’s all I’d need. I don’t mind working from there on in.

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