Do you consider yourself intelligent? Why or why not?

  1. Not overly. Like I’m not an idiot but I am better at some things than others, like for example I’m better at woodwork than whatever it’s called when you work with computers and stuff

  2. Yes. I used to think I was not smart whatsoever. I decided to go to college in my mid 20s because my current job wasn’t going to work longterm. I didn’t know anything. I was placed in all intermediate classes until I could even take college credit courses.

    I now know calculus, several coding languages, and I am an excellent writer. I believe have the ability to learn anything given the right teacher and circumstances. That makes someone intelligent.

  3. No, lol. I’m uneducated, I have no skills, expertise or competence, and I can’t learn new things or increase my knowledge on anything, as even the simplest of explanations or demonstrations just seem too complicated for me to grasp. I also have no idea how literally anything in the world works; Good luck trying to ELI5 physics or the stock market to me. It’s not that I zone out or struggle with focusing, I simply just don’t understand.

    I’m also certain I’m dyscalculic: Ask me what 4+7 is and I’ll have to open the calculator app, and I’ll *still* not be sure if the result is correct, because how am I supposed to know if I actually pressed the right numbers?

    Once took Mensa’s online IQ test for shits and giggles, because why not. My score was too low to be measured, meaning below 70-75. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It doesn’t bother me too much, though. It’s unfortunate that I’m unable to understand or learn things I wish I at least had a basic grasp of, but I can’t say I’m *suffering* from it, or that I’m making the world around me suffer for it; I might not understand science, but I still trust the process of science, the same way I don’t believe I need to be knowledgeable on electrics to trust my electrician. I think I’m mostly harmless and doing alright for a dumb person.

  4. i am considered intelligent b/c i have a masters and did fairly decent in school. but i was never a straight A student, and i wasn’t smart enough for the career i wanted.

    also, my social intelligence is -10, and at 34 there are many adult things idk how to do. i need therapy and confidence. i carry myself as someone much younger.

  5. I think so naturally, I am. I’ve always been easily able to grasp things and find the hidden meaning between things. But I also think what’s holding me back is that I’m not a hard worker, and everything requires a bit of hard work no matter how intelligent you are

  6. If you are talking about Howard Gardner’s intelligence theory, I would think I am musical and intrapersonal intelligent. I cannot really connect with with other seven intelligence, but I do understand them.

  7. Somewhere in the middle I guess. I don’t think I’m not intelligent but, I wouldn’t call myself a genius by any means. Maybe it’s the self-deprecation talking because many people throughout my life have said I was intelligent and smart but, I think I’m pretty average. I think my greatest strength is that I’m open to learning, not just in academic settings because intelligence is broad and manifests in different ways for many people. Don’t know if any of this even made sense but, I think I’m somewhere in the middle pretty much

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