What is the appeal of yelling at the TV when watching sports?

  1. It’s not a thing most people actively think about and say “I rather enjoy yelling at the television”.

  2. I don’t think it’s an appeal thing. I don’t think they enjoy it. They get into the sport and yell. They know the players can’t hear them.

    I don’t like sports but I will watch them if they are on and have seen plenty of people yell for there team. And I think it’s cool that they are that passionate about something that they yell at an inanimate object about it.

    I used to think like that. Like these people are so fucking annoying but I’m trying very hard to be less pessimistic in my life. So long story short it doesn’t hurt me and it shouldn’t bug me that they yell so fuck it I’ll yell with them.

  3. Must. Vent. Somehow.

    Yous oughtta see me when newscasters misuse/mispronounce words.

    Lewis Black would envy!

  4. Yea, sure. Let’s all just do everything with our arms folded and our faces in a silent, blank emotionless stare.

    Or, we could actually allow ourselves to get emotionally charged once in a while and cheer for a sports team, rock band, or cinematic performance. It’s actually kind of fun, give it a shot.

  5. I don’t know, why do you yell at the TV or a movie screen when it’s something dramatic or scary?

  6. It’s mostly involuntary. You get excited, and you make an excited noise. Or you get upset, and you make an upset noise.

  7. It’s just like when you watch a movie or video and verbally react to it. The viewer gets into it and reacts.

  8. I don’t mean to. Been watching the Seahawks for 40 years. If they score, I sometimes yell, then look around like”Shit, who was that?”

  9. It lets other people in the bar know a) how much you know about sports b) how much you love your team

  10. It just comes out. When a striker gets a goal, when a back or receiver makes a touchdown, it just comes out like a little bit of throw up from a burp when you’re drunk. Lol

  11. There’s none imo. Discreet excitement is fun though. Silently jumping around when your team or favorite athlete is doing well.

  12. The appeal is the same as yelling at the TV when watching Horror movies and the people – stupidly, I might add – walk **towards** the ominous sounds.

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