Yes im back again, no its not the same guy from my most recent post. I’m trying to be more modern by talking with mutiple guys at once and it coming back to bite me in the ass.

Okay to begin I[F23]met Mark [M36] on a dating app. I messaged him and let him know that i loved his profile and i am interested in him. Mark let me know he didn’t have time for a relationship and could at best be low effort FWB. I don’t do casual so declined. But we decided to keep chatting bc we had a lot in common. We’ve been chatting for about 2 months and would talk semi regularly. There was flirting on both sides but he was usually the one who initiated it. But then he would remind me that he is to busy for a relationship.

I never pushed for us to date or be more. I never brought up relationships because he made his boundaries clear.Honestly, it was nice to flirt knowing it wasn’t going to go anywhere.

Well last weekend the flirting got heavier. We found out that we have a similar kink and decided to indulge in it online. So things escalated to sexting. The kink requires a good deal of trust so after it began i engaged in the akward what are we now and is it just sexting or? ( in hindsight it was a dumb move to indulge because it made it seem like i was okay with FWB). He reiterated his stance of not having time. I finally asked what was taking up all his time ( never asked before bc i didn’t want to seem like im passive aggressively trying to pressure for a relationship). Welp his primary partner was busy with school. I had no clue that not only was he poly, he was partnered. I’m not poly. I immediately cut off sexting and flirting. I explained that i am mono so don’t get involved with poly folks. Did it once and ended in disaster so i steer clear as a rule. I was also rather embarrassed to have pursued a guy who was already taken and would never consider me more than secondary ( he has a hierarchical poly style). But we continued to talk bc i genuinely liked the guy. I make sure to keep everything PC despite his attempts to flirt.

I admit that the embarrassment i felt was on me because i never asked if he was poly. and i allowed myself to read more into the interactions than was there. I read his answer of no time, as, if there was time we could pursue it, not an outright no.

Well he has started pursuing me more, we went from texting on occasion and sometimes leaving each other on read for a few days to him texting me throughout the day. He contacts me every day and while it usually for regular talk there is definitely a flirtation vibe. And all of a sudden he wants to talk on the phone or face time ( we’ve never done anything but text). I’m baffled by this increase in attention and don’t know what to do. He made it clear that sexting and exploring kink was still on the table.

Part of me wants to take him up on the offer. I’m demisexual and from a conservative Christian background so i struggle with attraction, sex and sexuality. Mark is on of the few guys I’ve clicked with and felt safe exploring my sexuality.

On the other hand, I’m demi so emotions are already involved. Getting further involved seems like a recipe for disaster by catching feelings for a person who could never give me what i truly want. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t been waiting by the phone pining for Mark. I’ve been talking to other people and been on a few dates. But i am an introvert and tend to focus in on one person and spend a majority of my romantic social energy on one person. I will still talk to other people but not as much. I’m worried that getting involved with Mark would cause me to focus more on him than other prospective guys. Which can cause me to miss a chance with someone who is more compatible.

Any advice reddit? Would i be an idiot for getting further involved?

Tldr- met a guy, got involved with him. Found out he was poly after the fact. He is no pursuing me and I don’t know to continue or politely decline.

1 comment
  1. You know for a fact this isn’t going to work for you personally, and to top it off after telling him this he has proceeded to blow past all of your boundaries. Pair that with an age gap that big and it’s clear this guy is either extremely immature or actively searching for young woman who he can easily manipulate into doing what he wants. This whole situation is a walking red flag and for your sake I hope you just kick him to the kerb.

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