What would you do if your state declared independence?

  1. Wondering if Washington also came with us, as our governor never does anything without either Washington or California doing it first.

    Also, expecting a secession from the eastern part of the state, and having them join Idaho or creating Jefferson or some shit

  2. Oh, that would go over well. /s

    Declaration of independence by Virginia by itself would destroy us. I would not have time to do anything.

  3. Laugh because like what are we gonna do? “Watch out PA & NY we’re seceding!” They wouldn’t give a fuck, they’d roll their eyes and yell at us for not having legal weed sold in stores yet

  4. Well, that just wouldn’t happen, but
    Wonder what the fuck they were thinking, maybe move to PA to avoid having my home become rubble as the US military quickly bitch slaps NJ back into sense.

  5. Leave solar system. If independent Ohio conquered Earth, Ohioans would leave this dimension.

  6. I’d move to the United States. I like some aspects of Louisiana but I’m not going down with a sinking ship. Any state, no matter their GDP would become bankrupt overnight. They’d not have their own currency, they’d have nothing to support that currency except empty promises, and businesses would move their headquarters to the larger, wealthier country.

  7. There is an actual movement for my state to secede Along with parts of Oregon and Idaho called Cascadia

  8. Vote whoever approved than nonsense out of office and prepare for a federal military invasion of Maine. I’d probably slip across the border to NH and stay there with friends until the succession was crushed.

    It’s so stupid Maine would never even contemplate it.

  9. Flee. Given that my state contains one of the largest naval shipyards, a trident sub base and many other bases I doubt the US gov is going to take kindly to Washington leaving.

  10. Back when I lived in California: honestly be kinda happy and embrace it.

    Here in Massachusetts: wonder what the hell we’re doing

  11. I would question the sanity of my fellow Delawareans because we have neither the infrastructure nor economic independence to rely on ourselves. We’ve embraced and built the state around the idea that people pass through it to get to other places and while we hate out of staters, we rely on tourism money (tax-free shopping, beaches, tolls every 20 miles, Firefly music festival, Nascar etc…). Delawareans also travel out out state to work or go to to doctor and such because we are surrounded by big cities.

    The way we are built passes the burden of costs onto out of staters and this has managed to keep the cost of living down without having a large impoverished population. Delaware is a solid amalgamation of the middle class and while it is a boring state that no one every hears about, that’s not a bad thing. No excitement but also nothing bad enough to make the news.

    Anyway that’s my thesis and Delaware simply cannot declare independence, at least not without a fuckton of treaties and the annexation of the Delmarva peninsula.

    Annexation of the peninsula allows control of major points of entry including the chesapeake bay bridge and the tunnel while also taking control of major beach resorts like Ocean City, MD.

    Edit: Completely forgot about the hundreds of thousands of companies established in Delaware for tax reasons. We’d be the next Monaco and be rich af.

  12. Perhaps foreign posters don’t understand the type of trauma the United States underwent due to the Civil War, and why secession is spoken of only by edgelords and out-and-out traitors. While it might be the fondest wish of our enemies (I’m looking at you, Russia), the vast majority has been firmly inculcated with the idea of “one nation, indivisible.”

    I remember when the Scottish Independence referendum was going on, and I had a friend who was Scottish, who generally supported the Scottish Independence Party. I recalled my feelings about it, hoping that the referendum would fail, even if I knew intellectually that it really wasn’t my call to make. It just felt so wrong.

  13. We did that once. It did not end well. So, if SC declared itself the Republic of South Carolina again, I’d migrate to NC.

  14. Leave immediately. There’s no way I’m leaving the rest of the US, especially if my family is on the other side, and no way I am being involved in the hell that would be rained down. So I wouldn’t even bother packing anything. Just get in my car, fill it with gas, and get out of the state as quickly as possible.

    That said, my state would have to be reeeeal stupid to secede. We could never have water independence and if we seceded anyway, it would be much easier to smoke us out because like 65-70% of the state lives in metro Phoenix. It’d be real easy to block supply lines to a single city.

  15. Start shooting secessionists— man, woman, and child— until I ran out of ammo or was killed.

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