So I’m 18f and I’ve always been super shy, never been in a relationship before, never been on a date and never done any kind of that stuff and to be very honest it doesn’t bother me. Like it’s just not something I actively look for and I don’t really care for that stuff.
But I have recently been trying to be more friendly and outgoing just for the sake of making friends cause that’s something I’ve struggled with but I’ve noticed a lot of the guys mistake my friendliness for as I sign that I’m into them and it makes me extremely uncomfortable when they begin to flirt (idek why I feel this way but I just get an ick sort of)
Social interactions are definitely not my strongest trait so idk how to give them the hint that I’m not interested

  1. Tell them you’re asexual? It might work. I’d go soft if a chick told me that. Then again, you’ll probably have some douchebags that take that as a challenge… idk, good luck.

  2. Don’t hint.

    Guys are going to flirt regardless of if you’re nice or not. We have to, it’s our obligation to initiate most of the time. A simple “Thanks, but no thanks.” will make 99% of men back off. As long as we know the expectations upfront you should rarely have a problem with this type of response from unwanted advances.

  3. Just say you re saving yourself for marriage or that you re a virgin. That will keep every guy away.

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